Am I Seeing Things?

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Credit to Varia4Life for coming up with title


Narration time!

Eugene: This is where their story gets interesting

Rapunzel: Eugene, it was already interesting. It just gets more complicated.

Eugene: Complicated because there were now five different versions of Varian and Y/n in the same universe.

Rapunzel: You might be wondering how that is possible.

Eugene: But you'll figure that out once they do.

(When I say you or Varian, I mean the you and Varian from the My Love Series. I hope this isn't confusing)

You took the lead, "Everyone, follow me. We'll figure this out together"

Surprisingly everyone followed you as you went to the kitchen. Before you went in you decided to do a head count. You counted two more heads than you thought should've have been there. You counted again.

You said, "Hold up, I think two more showed up"

The latest arrivals moved to the front of the group: Varian and Y/n from the Royal Alchemist AU.

"Hello" said the Royal Alchemist.

Corona's most wanted criminal remarked, "Great because we need more of us"

You told them, "Alright, first things first. Raise your hand if you want a ham sandwich and do not raise both your hands. You will all get one"

You heard a bunch of disappointed awes when you counted everyone's raised hands. Everyone raised their hands. They all wanted ham sandwiches. You got them and all the Varians went after them.

You yelled at them, "ONE EACH!"

The ones that took two dropped the second sandwich back into the platter. The different versions of you took their sandwiches. You took your sandwich and returned the platter to the kitchen.

Varian asked, " I love ham sandwiches but why are eating them?"

You replied, "Because you all ruined our lunch date and I'm hungry"

The royal alchemist nearly choked on his sandwich, "Date?"

You told him, "Yeah, we're dating"

"Dating?!" exclaimed the y/n with long black hair, "I literally just met this dude like five minutes ago"

"We're dating too" said the older villainous Varian.

The y/n who was in her normal universe looked the eighteen year old boy who escaped from jail up and down, "I'm not surprised"

The royal alchemist exclaimed, "But she's four years younger than me!"

Royal Alchemist AU you thought, stupid age gap.

Restraints Varian said, "Wait what?"

Royal Alchemist AU you told them, "I just turned 18"

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