Break Out II

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So this is the long awaited part two to Break Out which was requested by @St4rl1ght5

You and Varian grew closer on your way to Vardaros. The trip wasn't that long, only slightly over a week. Things were changing in Vardaros. Quaid was back. Vex was his deputy. That didn't seem like her.

Anyways Varian was able to heal the Baron. How, you weren't really sure. All you knew was that the anti venom Stalyon procured was a diluted version and left the Baron with some less than desirable green patches on his skin. 

Varian and you decided it would be best to keep a low profile in Vardaros since the princess and her gang were there. He didn't know why they were the but you told him what you knew: that the princess was following the black rocks to her "destiny" or something cheesy like that.

Then Varian had an idea: follow them.

"Why would I want to follow them?" You asked.

"Well I'm going to follow them and it'd be so much better if you came along" replied Varian.

You couldn't tell if he just saying that to get you to go or he actually meant it.

"Also you can get away from the Baron"

After Varian healed him, the Baron wanted to turn him in for the reward money and was willing to split it with you. You didn't let that happen and ran away with Varian. Your "betrayal" cut any ties you had with the Baron and now he was mad. Good things never happened when he was mad.

You said, "You do have a point. All right, let's do it"

For the next couple of months, you two followed them and the black rocks. You lost for a couple weeks when they were stranded on an island but you found them again.

During your travels, you two became even closer. Like close enough for you start having romantic feelings for him. In your head, you two were practically a couple. But in reality, he was too concerned with revenge and freeing his father to look at you like that.

You followed them all the way to the Great tree. It was hard especially when some crazy rhino dude was trying to kill them. There was a strange lady with them, Adira.

You and Varian were hiding in a bush, eavesdropping on Rapunzel and her friends's conversation.

"Who is Hector?" Rapunzel asked

The weird lady known as Adira answered, "He's a member of the Brotherhood, a group of warriors sworn to keep any and all away from the Dark Kingdom"

"Dark Kingdom? That's where we're headed"

Cassandra asked, "How many are in this brotherhood?"

Adira responded, "Not many. But you've encountered one before today, Quirin, father of Varian"

Before you could stop him, Varian got out of your hiding position and made the horrible decision to approach Adira.

Varian asked her, "What did you just say about my father?"

Rapunzel said, "Varian"

Your face in in the palm of your hand. You got up and went over to Varian.

You whispered into his ear, "What are you doing? This wasn't a part of the plan"

Varian exclaimed, "She said something about my father. She knew my father!"

Cass said, "Y/n, you should get away from him"

Ugh, Cass. So clueless. She didn't even realize that you were the one who broke Varian out of jail. She didn't even know that you were a completely different person from when she knew you.

"Y/n? No, Cass. That's Helena Abel" said Eugene.

Cass remarked, "I think I'd recognize Y/n if I saw her, Fitzherbert"

Lance said, "Eugene's right, that's Helena Abel"

You told them, "Technically you're all right. My name was Y/n but I go by Helena Abel now"

Rapunzel asked, "Varian, what are you doing here? How are you here?"

Varian ignored her and gave all his attention to Adira, "How do you know my father?"

You answered Rapunzel's question, "I broke him out of jail, duh"

"Why would you break him out of jail?" asked Eugene.

You remarked, "Oh Ryder, after that disaster of wedding, you should know better than anyone that if the Baron wants someone, then he's going to get them"

"What would the Baron want with Varian?"

"You do remember how that disaster of a wedding ended right?"

"She's got a point" added Lance.

Princess Rapunzel asked, "Varian, Helena, why are you here?"

You both responded, "We may or may not have been following you since Vardaros"

"Since Vardaros?!" exclaimed Cass.

You said, "Well we weren't there when you guys got stranded on an island"

"And we just stuck with your caravan when you were in the forest of no return" stated Varian.

"Wait, why were you following us?" Asked Rapunzel.

You replied, "That's none of your business"

The truth was you had been following them because Varian thought that wherever the rocks were pointing Rapunzel to would be the key to freeing his father.

"Raps, I think we need to talk about this" said Cassandra.

Cassandra, Eugene, and Rapunzel huddled together to talk the situation over.

Eugene argued, "They're just kids, Blondie. We can't leave them"

"They're criminals! I say we ditch them" suggested Cass.

Rapunzel said, "Cass, we can't just leave them"

Cass pointed out, "Varian nearly crushed me to death!"

"She does have a point there" commented Eugene.

You piped up, "You know we can hear you,

"Rapunzel, you have to make a choice" said Cass.

Rapunzel turned to face you and Varian, "You two can join us under one condition"

Varian asked, "Fine, what is it?"

"No committing any crimes!"

Seriously? Like no stealing? No assaulting? No treason? That was boring. 

"We agree to your terms" Varian said without even asking you what you thought.

The rest of this journey was not going to be fun, or was it?

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