My Nothing

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(Part three, probably the last part of My Love. Probably)

I wasn't allowed to see him even after the potion wore off. Part of me still wanted to see him because I loved him. The other part of me didn't want to go near him because of what he did. He took away my free will. He made it so the only thing I could do was love him.

After a year since the attack on Old Corona, my feelings for Varian wore dull. I didn't love him as I used to. He wasn't the same person I feel in love with. He didn't mean as much to me as he used to. As a precaution, the king forbade me from seeing him. For months on end, I had nightmares about that night and about what was happening to him. Jail wasn't the proper place for growing teenage boy. No doubt they were mistreating him. I eventually came to accept it and the nightmares stopped. I pushed out any thoughts of him. I forced the thought that he deserved what he got and that he meant nothing. I eventually believe that to be true

I walking alone in the halls. Everything was oddly quiet. For some reason, the king wanted to see me. Something wasn't right. I could feel it.

I entered the throne room.

"Good, you're here, y/n" he said.

Something was off about him but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Why did you want to see my your majesty?" I asked.

He answered, "I want you to see my new most trusted advisor."

New? Most trusted advisor? What was going on? Whatever is was, it wasn't good.

A familiar voice echoed through the throne room, "Hello, my love"

Of course he had something to do with this. But why? How?

"Ah Varian, my most trusted advisor" The king said.


"Uh don't you remember what he did? I do. I can tell you if you want" I remarked.

"No. No. They don't" Varian was in between the king and queen now.

"Um, he kidnapped me and you!" I pointed to the queen.

"Is that a joke?" The queen asked "Because it wasn't very funny".

How? How could they not remember? How did he erase their memories? Then it clicked. The saporian wand of oblivion. I told him about it. I didn't think he was actually listening. I thought he was reading and not paying any attention to what I was saying.

Did he have a fake goatee? It wasn't real. It looked drawn on.

"Did you draw on a goatee?" I asked.

"What? No." Varian lied.

"If you didn't mind, I'm just going to go now" I backed up into someone.

"You're not going anywhere, my love"

Varian throw something at my feet and I became stuck to the floor. Luckily, I had a way out. I just couldn't let him know.

"I'll make you a deal. You can join us and we can be together again or you can rot in a prison cell like I did."

"I think you know which one I'm going to chose"

"Then let me rephrase" He reaches into his pocket and got a vial with a familiar pink liquid in it out, "You can rot in the dungeons or be with me!"

"I'd rather rot in the dungeons"

That clearly upset him as he ran closer to you with the vial in hand.

"Then I'm afraid to see I'm not going to give you a choice"

You swatted the love potion out of his hand. No way you were going to be under the influence of that again! You reached into a pouch on your belt and sprinkled the neutralizing particle on to the sticky stuff.

"Soon my love" was the last thing you heard before everything started to go black and you fainted, landing in Varian's arms.

You woke up, propped up against the wall in the throne room. Things felt different, not real. But your heart felt the same. Burdened.

"Hello, my love. How are you feeling?" Varian asked.

Instead of answering, you asked, "What happened?"

"What happened was I knew you wouldn't let me have you drink the love potion so I changed the formula so it would emit a gas form of it when it reacts with oxygen"

But it didn't work. You didn't love him.

"Well how does it work?" You asked.

"Honesty is not the only thing I could get get out of the mood potion. I could edit it so that it enhanced romantic feelings, making them stronger" replied Varian.

So that's why it didn't work.

"So tell me what do you feel about me?" He asked.

Nothing was holding you back. You could so easily escape.

"Nothing" you quickly reached into your pocket.

"What do you mean nothing!"

"I don't love you. You're not my everything. You're nothing to me now" You pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it.

The smoke bomb activated and you got up and ran. There were no other Supporians and the throne room was the first room you entered.

Finally free again. You ran to Xavier's and through the secret passage. If people were safe, they'd be hiding there.

"Y/n!" Xavier exclaimed.

"Xavier! What's going on?" You asked.

You scanned the room. No sign of your family.

"Everyone is busy mining Varian's minerals. We were worried about you" Xavier answered.

"I escaped and I'm fine. Someone needs to tell Princess Rapunzel"

Stan asked, "But how are we going to tell her?"

"A hot air ballon. I know where one is but who should tell her?"

Pete said, "I think it should it be you, Y/n. You're the one who would most be in danger considering-"

"Yeah I know, Varian. I guess I can go"

You went up making and found the ballon. Xavier and the other had given you some supplies. You moved the dial. The fire started and the air balloon lifted into the sky. You were on your way to the dark kingdom.

(This is a bit long. I really like this series so if someone wants another part, I'll write it. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one despite the fact you don't like Varian.)

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