The Competiton- Part II

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Dinner wasn't as good as lunch. Everyone was relatively quiet even you were. You and everyone else didn't want to say the wrong thing and be sent home before you could even meet the prince. However Rapunzel told you at dinner that she also knew the prince. How freakin' lucky are these girls? Like Cass, Rapunzel wouldn't tell you anything about him.
You had to rely on his reputation. The prince had a good reputation: he was caring, smart, and the cutest. Of course, you've only heard rumors about that last part. You have seen the prince of course but not really face to face. Your mother took you with her to a fair in New Corona and like with all fairs, the royal family made an appearance. You were only fourteen back then but when you laid eyes on the prince, you could tell that your standards were rising and no body you would ever see could meet them. He was just so cute. Every year since then, you begged your mom to take you to the fair but she wouldn't.
Maybe since then you had a little crush on the prince but so did like every other girl in Corona, right? But if you liked him, then why wouldn't you have wanted to go here? Truth was you may have lied to Cass. You did want to be here but you didn't at the same time. You didn't want to be rejected but you wanted to see the prince just one more time. Your mother did enter you in the competition but that's just because you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
You were going to live your dream of seeing the prince again and make your mother proud.
You went back to your room after dinner and changed back to your plain brown dress. You out your alchemy apron on over it. You opened up your alchemy bag.
"Oh shoot!" You exclaimed.
The seeds had spilled and your experimental bug killer had also spilled. The seeds were dead so you could not grow plants to test your growth serum on.
"What am I supposed to do now?"
Hecate meowed. You supposed that no body would notice if you experimented on one little plant in the royal garden. You grabbed the vial of your growth serum, your goggles, your gloves, and the special goggles you had for Hecate. You shoved the vial into your pocket and put on your gloves and goggles as you struggled to find you way to the royal garden. Technically you weren't supposed to leave the castle but the garden were still in the confines of the castle walls so they still counted, right? Right?
You found the perfect flower for your experiment and sat down near it. You put Hecate's goggles over her eyes and put yours over your own. One drop should be enough to make this flower sprout.
You carefully poured a singled drop onto the flower bud. It began to grow taller and bloom.
"It worked!" You exclaimed before it blow up in your face.
Green goo shot out of the blooming flower and all over your face. It was rather sticky so it would be hard to get off. The green goo was all over your goggles so you couldn't see.
"Are you okay?" An unfamiliar voice asked.
Someone else was out here. Not good. You could get in huge trouble. Maybe even be sent home.
You responded, "Yeah. I was just trying out my growth serum. I've still got a few things to work out"
A hand grabbed yours and helped you up.
"You shouldn't be out here" They said.
"Why? Because it's dark?" You said before taking your goggles off.
Holy mother forking shirt balls. It was the prince. He was even cuter than you remembered and taller. He was at least 6 inches taller than you. If you were going to be sent home for this, at least you got to see the prince.
He asked, "You're here for the competition, right?"
"Yeah" You could feel your cheeks blush.
How could anyone be so darn cute?
The prince proposed, "Since neither of us are supposed to be out here, how about we just keep this to ourselves?"
"Yes, it's probably for the best if we do that"
"You should probably use some hydrogen peroxide to get the goo off"
Wait, did the prince actually know stuff about alchemy? What he just said was correct.
"It was nice meeting you, uh-"
"It was nice meeting you, Y/n, even thought I'm not supposed to meet you yet"
The prince left. God, he was dreamy. Hecate scratched your leg. She got some green goo in her too and couldn't see. You took her googles off and tucked the vial back into your apron pocket.
You listened to the prince's advice and used hydrogen peroxide to get the goo off. Hecate did not like it. In fact she left scratches all over you. Your legs, arms, and even your face had scratches. Luckily there was only one scratch on your face but it was still noticeable. You bandaged the scratches. They weren't that bad but they stung with the hydrogen peroxide. Tomorrow would be hard. You would officially meet the prince but now you had a scratch on your freakin face! Like that wouldn't be hard to explain.
Hoping the scratch would disappear over night, you went to bed dreaming of what could be.

A/N: I hope you liked part two! I've decided this will be a mini series. I really like this concept and Prince Varian. Also I have a problem. It's almost midnight and I just wrote this. I hope you like it! Edit: I have no idea if the hydrogen peroxide thing would actually work. I'm no scientist. It was the first thing that came to mind.

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