The Competition IV

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Back by popular demand, okay maybe just one person really likes this series but I like it too so clearly popular demand! Just one thing, because I want to, this will follow Varian instead of you. Anyways on with the show!


After breakfast, I headed to the royal garden. It was so peaceful there. Maybe I could find some inspiration for the first impression items I'm supposed to design. I already knew who I was giving it to. The girl I couldn't stop thinking about since I met here.

I saw a wilting white flower with green goo all over it. It made me think of y/n. Her experiment kind of worked. I remembered last night, when I accidentally met her.

Green goo was everywhere. I heard some sort of explosion so I had to go see if anyone was hurt. Her poor cat had green goo all over her gray fur. Hecate probably didn't appreciate the hydrogen peroxide bath she needed.

Looking at the flower gave me an idea for the jewel. I rushed to my room to draw it before the idea could leave my head. I didn't want to lose it.

I made a quick rough sketch of the necklace I had in mind. As I was drawing it, an idea for her dress came to mind. I drew both and then colored them in.
They looked like this.

They may not have been the best designs but hey, I was on a time limit

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They may not have been the best designs but hey, I was on a time limit. I took the drawing of the necklace to the jeweler and I took the dress drawing to the royal tailor. I told her who it was for so she would know whose measurements to use. I even picked out the fabrics, a green silk and a white lace like material.

I hoped y/n would like what I designed. I wasn't really sure. I didn't know her that well. I barely knew anybody in the competition that well, except for Cassie and Rapunzel. Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I thought I was going to eat with the ladies again but apparently not. My dad wanted to eat lunch with me. He said there was something important he needed to discuss.

(FYI, Quirin is the king. I didn't change who Varian's father is)

We ate lunch in his private study. We had ham sandwiches, my favorite.

Dad told me, "Varian, there are rumors about a group of people. People who don't support us. Rebels. They call themselves the Separatists of Saporia. They could be a threat. If they are, we might have to cancel or sped up the competition"

Sped up? I couldn't do that. That would be hard. It would mean sending girls home when I barely knew them or how I felt about them.

"I'd rather cancel it. I don't like the idea of being some sort of prize" I said.

"Varian, you know it's tradition"

"A stupid tradition" I muttered.

Dad scolded, "Varian!"

"Sorry, dad. I know it's how you met mom and how grandpa met grandma and so and so on"

"I felt the same when I was your age. How I felt changed when I fell in love with your mother. By the way, have you chosen a winner of the first impression jewel?"

"Yeah and don't worry. I already made the designs and gave them to the jeweler and tailor"

"Good and did you know, your mother was the one who I gave my first impression jewel to?"


"It was a flower necklace, a lily"

Wow, that was so creative.

I asked just to be sure, "Cause that's her name?"

"Yes, I was very creative with that one" joked Dad.

"These separatists, what do we know about them?"

"Not much, what we do know are just rumors. If the rumors are true, they'll launch a full scale attack on the castle"

"That can't be good. If they came to the castle, what would we do?"

"I don't know. The captain and I are trying to figure that out. Attacking during the competition would make people more afraid of the threat they pose. If they do strike, it will probably be during one of the early phases of the competition when more girls are here"

I hoped the Separatists would have the decency to wait until the competition was over but I doubted they did. Dad made it seem like it was big threat but it looked like he and the captain had things under control.

On my way out, I ran into one of the girls in the competition. I wasn't sure who it was. She had long blonde hair and a short red dress. I felt bad about not knowing her name.

She curtsied, "Hello, your highness"

I could almost see things I wasn't supposed to when she curtsied.

I said, "Hi. Sorry, I forget your name. What is it?"

"My name is Corrine Weller"

"I'll be sure to remember that. Well I've got to go, see you!"

I awkwardly left the hall and went back to my room. Another reason why I didn't like the competition so much was because I was not good at socializing. It was just awkward. A great trait for a royal, am I right?

I stayed in my room until I had to leave for dinner. I picked up the necklace for y/n on my way. The jeweler had just finished. It was in a small red velvet box in my pocket.

I took a deep breathe and opened the door to the dining room. All eyes were on me. I did not like that. I wasn't really sure when I was supposed to give out the jewel so I snuck over and asked Eugene. He said after dinner. So that's what I did. Dinner was awkward. I didn't sit with the four girls I ate breakfast with. The girls who were closest to my seat were named Corinne, Marlee, Elise, and Beatrice. Corinne certainly had a way with words. Marlee was a sweet as honey which is kind of ironic considering her honey blonde hair. Elise was quiet and didn't say much. Beatrice was lively and kept the conversation going. We just finished dessert.

Eugene whispered to me, "You might want to give out the jewel now"

I muttered, "Oh right"

I made the horrible decision to awkwardly stand up to make this announcement.

"It's time to give out the first impression jewel" I got the box out of my pocket, "Y/n, do you accept this jewel?"

I awkwardly fumbled with the box, trying to open it.

Eugene suggested, "You might want to try opening it from the other side"

I didn't realize I was trying to open it from the wrong side. That was stupid.

I opened the box and the girls awed at the necklace. I hoped that meant they liked it.

"Yes, I accept it" answered Y/n.

I walked over to Y/n.

I asked, "May I put it on you?"

"Yes" she responded.

She moved her hair out of the way while I took the silver necklace and hung it around her neck. It took longer than it should've for me to get the clasp on.

She told me, "Thank you. It's a beautiful necklace"

Eugene came over and said, "You do know you also have to announce who you're taking on the group date tomorrow, right?"

I had completely forgot about that. I was supposed to pick four girls to go on a group date with tomorrow. I had just been too busy thinking about the girl I was going to have a one on one date with in two days. Think, Varian, think! Cassie, obviously. Corinne, to make up for forgetting her name. Catalina, she seemed to be friends with my friends. Err. One more girl. Preferably one whose name didn't start with the letter c. I wished I could pick Y/n but I couldn't since she won the first impression jewel. It wouldn't be fair plus against the rules.

"Right, yes. The four lucky girls I'll be taking on a group date tomorrow will be Cassie, Corinne, Catalina, and Marlee" I announced.

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