The Lead Up

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The Lead Up
If you've been reading all the way through then you know what's happening.

In Restraints (You know the one where you escape with Varian. "M'lady, are the restraints really necessary?")

You had been on the run with Varian for a few months now. You guys kind ditched Lady Cain. Right now you were in the small town of East Shire in Equis.

You guys were heading into town to get supplies. You were holding hands on your way in.

Varian told you, "You know when we get back to our hideout, we can have some fun, m'lady"

"Yeah, I'd like that" you said.

Just as you two were about to kiss, a portal opened up.

You asked, "What is that?"

"I have no idea" replied Varian.

The portal sucked the two of inside of it. You made sure to keep of hold of Varian so you wouldn't lose him.

The portal spit you guys out somewhere.

Inside the palace of Corona.

In a different universe.

New Saporia (Literally the first one I wrote, there was also a part two to it)

A weird lady had appeared from nowhere.

"Hairstripe?" questioned Varian.

Lance exclaimed, "Adira!"

You were so confused. Adira? Who was she? What did she want? How did Lance know her? Why did she call Varian hair stripe? How did she remember things? What was that weird symbol she was wearing? Why was her hair white? Why was half her face orange?

Varian asked, "Who are you?"

Adira answered, "My name is Adira and Hairstripe, you better let them go"


"Listen, I don't want to fight you"

Suddenly, the floor beneath you and Varian disappeared. A portal took its place. You two fell threw it and wound up in a familiar place but in an alternate universe.

Tower AU (The second one I wrote, where you have long black hair and the power of the moonstone)

You had just left your tower for the very first time in your life. The outside world wasn't as scary as Uncle Hector made it out to be.

Your hair was dragging on the ground. Your hair was about 60 feet long. It was a huge hassle but you couldn't cut it.

"Ow ow ow" You yelped.

Varian looked down. He was stepping on your hair.

"Oops. Sorry about that" Varian got off your hair "You know we should probably do something about your hair"

You agreed, "Yeah, it's getting stuff all in it and that was the third time you stepped on it"

"You know, I have some string on me. I could braid it for you" added Varian.

"Really? You know how to braid, raccoon boy?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. I have a friend with really long hair"

"Then braid away, raccoon boy"

"Will you stop calling me that?"

"Not a chance, raccoon boy"

You sat down on the ground and Varian started braiding your hair. He also took all the twigs and other stuff out of your hair. It was so much easier to have your hair braided. You wondered why you never thought of this before. Oh right, you didn't know how to braid.

You said, "Thanks, raccoon boy"

"You're welcome" Varian told you.

Out of nowhere, something weird appeared. It looked magical. Like a portal of some sorts.

You asked, "What is that?"

"I have no idea but it can't be good" answered Varian.

You guys tried to back away from it but it sucked the both of you into it along with your pets.

You looked to see where you were. You didn't know or had any idea but Varian did.

Varian asked, "How are in the palace?"

You responded, "I think that portal had something to do with it"

In My Love/ My Everything/ My Nothing/ My Friend/ My New Girl universe.

You had just started dating Varian not that long ago. Everything was going great. You two were on your way out of the castle. You two were going to go on a lunch date.

Then, your plans changed. You saw a teenage girl with long black hair who kind of looked like a younger you. The strange part was who she was with. She was with a younger version of Varian.

"What the hair?" asked Varian.

"Um, who are you?" Asked younger Varian.

"I'm Varian"

"But I'm Varian"

How was this possible? How could there be two of him? Why was he younger? Who was the girl?

"I have no idea what is going on" said Tower Y/n.

You said, "Neither do any of us. Who are you?"

"I'm Y/n"

"But I'm Y/n"

This just got a heck of a lot more confusing. Why on earth did she have long black hair? You didn't have long black hair. You had y/h/c hair and it wasn't nearly as long as hers.

You heard more footsteps and turned around to see yet another Varian with another you. They looked around the same age as you. They were holding hands.

"What the hell?" asked the new you.

The new Varian told her, "I think we should go, m'lady"

"Go where?"

"Good point as always, m'lady"

Tower Y/n felt someone touching her hair. She turned and elbowed them into the nose. She pulled her sword out on them.

"Don't touch my hair" she threatened.

"Could you put the sword away? Geez" said the person she elbowed.

She had elbowed New Saporia Varian whose nose was now bleeding.

"Great my nose is bleeding" remarked New Saporia Varian.

New Saporia Y/n pointed out, "It's a good thing your bandana is red then"

You asked, "What is going on? Why do you four look so young?"

"Because I'm fifteen" said New Saporia and Tower Varian at the same time.

"FIFTEEN?" exclaimed all the older version of you and Varian.

"I'm fifteen" stated New Saporia you.

Tower You said, "I have no idea how old I am. I don't even know my birthday"

"That's just sad" said Restraints Varian.

Restraints Y/n told her, "It's your/date/of/birth"

"Then I am fifteen" said tower you.

This was confusing. What the Stars was going on? Why were there three other versions of Varian? Why were there three other versions of you? How? Why did they seem so different from you and your boyfriend?

"Well I guess we're not going on that lunch date" remarked Varian.

A/n: I really hope this wasn't confusing. Now at the end when I just say You or Varian, I mean My Love You or My Love Varian.

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