Royal Alchemist AU- Season 3

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Buckle up! This is a looong one. Nearly 5,000 words. Maybe I should've split it up into two parts. Oh well.

So during the events of season two, you were working as the royal apprentice alchemist. You worked with your aunt Valerie to try and set Quirin free but nothing worked. You wanted to try using a blowtorch but she said no. Now on to the show!

Rapunzel's Return

The saporians had taken over the castle which forced you and Valerie to flee. You went all the way to Old Corona, to Varian's old house.

Aunt Valerie shut the door, "Well we might be stuck here for a while. Let's get to work, shall we?"

You said, ""Aunt Valerie, we've tried so many things-"

"We are not going to try using a blow torch"

Aww, you heart sank. You really wanted to try to melt Quirin free.

She told you, "We're going to try using a flame thrower"

(Neither of those existed back then but just imagine it ok)

"Finally!" you exclaimed.

It took longer than expected for you two to make the flame thrower but it was worth it. It looked cool and it worked! It was time to test it. You were near the door and Aunt Valerie had the flame thrower. She had a metal mask over her face for safety and you were wearing your googles.

She turned it on and aimed it at the amber...

It was working! It was melting it! She stopped using the flame thrower before she could burn Quirin alive.

You ran over to him. Quirin was kneeling in the melted amber. You offered him your hand to help him get up. He took your hand and you helped him up.

"Where is my son?" He asked.

You said, "That is an excellent question. Aunt Valerie, why don't you answer?"

Valerie answered, "Um. Varian, he's uh. He's on his way. Why don't you go wash up?"

A few hours later, Varian and Rapunzel showed up.

"Oh, hello" you said.

You and Aunt Valerie were having tea with Quirin, just chatting.

Quirin got up and hugged his son. Varian was so happy to have his dad back, he was crying.

Varian had to ask, "How? How are you free?"

Quirin pointed to you and your Aunt Val.

"But how did you do it?" asked Rapunzel.

You exclaimed, "It was awesome! We used a flame thrower!"

Aunt Val coughed, "Ahem"

You corrected yourself, "She used a flame thrower"

Varian told you, "Thank you"

"We were just doing our jobs" said Aunt Val.

Varian questioned, "Jobs?"

"Yeah, after you left, I was hired by the king to be a royal alchemist. It was a temporary position and I see my time is up" explained Aunt Val.

You added, "And I am the royal apprentice alchemist"

"Royal apprentice alchemist? I didn't even know you liked Alchemy" said Varian.

Clearly what you tried at the expo did not work. He didn't even know you were there. Guess no one told him that you were the one who found about the judge being a fraud..

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