2K reads!

555 9 6

Thank you guys so much for 2k reads! It really means a lot to me that people are reading and enjoying this. Now I actually have some questions and information for you guys.

1. Do I have to put dialogue tags when I'm just writing what was said on the show? I'm lazy and I add the dialogue tags last.

2. Mini series, do you like them on here or would you rather me start another book specifically for mini series? (I have a few ideas for other mini series that could go on there)

3. Angst... yeah I don't like it that much. My question is do you? I have two ideas for kind of angsty one shots (what does that even mean? I'm not quite sure)

4. I have more mature ideas for some mini series. One is inspired by Avery_Spokeens book, "The Devil Within" and I would call it The Darkness Inside. Another would be if seasons 2 &3 never happened and then carry it on to the next generation where all the events of the entirety of the show happen. That's the best short description of it I can give. The question is would you like to see either of them?

5. This isn't really a question but if you have requests, you should give them to Varia4Life Amalie it rain requests!

I'm currently working on the next royal alchemist and a part two to Mon Amour. I also have something called online school which sucks!

6. Mon Amour part 2, struggling to figure out how to end it. I have ideas but I don't want to make it too similar to My Everything or My King (My King is by Flowerblossom11 ) so any suggestions/ predictions would be great.

You see I have a code here for these one shots.
1. Kept it PG
2. Y/n and Varian don't die.
3. Try to make it not depressing as in you end up with Varian
Questions 3 &4 deal with this code.

I've broken it only about twice but you did (kinda) come back to life and I gave a warning. (Vamparian and Mon Amour)

Just some information for my loyal readers, the upcoming crossover will come but there are some more parts to Royal Alchemist AU I need to write before I can start it. (Two parts actually) The Crossover will happen continuously and by that I mean it'll be part one then part two then part three etc. Nothing will separate the different parts. I don't know how long it'll be.

The Competition Fans: Don't worry! I hope to write Part V before the crossover. I think this mini series will end up being around 10 parts.

My Love Fans: Don't worry either! The series won't end after the crossover. There will be two more after the crossover but none before.

The Crossover: Here's some helpful information I probably shouldn't be giving you right now cause spoilers kinda

Main universe- My Love

1. Tower
2. New Saporia
3. Royal Alchemist
4. Restraints

Ages of them

Tower AU - Varian is fifteen and you don't actually know your birthday but you're 15.

New Saporia- Both 15

Royal Alchemist- Varian is 22 and you're 18.

Restraints- You're both 18 ;)

My Love Series at this point - Both 18

This might get a little confusing. It probably will. To make it easier, I'll make who is doing what as obvious as I can. Sometimes I'll refer to them as their universe name then their name. Examples: Restraints Varian was hot, Tower Y/n has really long hair.

Also almost all of the Varian's have their respective Ruddiger's. The only one who doesn't is New Saporia Varian. (Like where is Ruddiger in that episode??) since that is the case, it's the end of the world as we know it. (Jk)

Thanks for reading! Bye!

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