Camp Halfblood AU

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So if haven't read Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and Trials of Apollo, this might not make sense. If you have read Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus, like 99% of it will make sense. If you've only seen the Percy Jackson movies, don't tell me that. Those movies are nothing like the books!

I'm putting some of the characters from Tangled The Series into Camp Halfblood. Got it? Characters from Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and Trials of Apollo will be mentioned and or present.

Spoilers, duh

You ran as fast as you could. Your ankle was throbbing but you couldn't focus on that. You had to get to this camp or so your satyr friend, Fred, has told you.

"The strawberry fields are just up a head!" Fred yelled as he ran behind you.

Great. You didn't see any camp but it did look like there might be strawberry fields ahead. Your ankle hurt like hell. That black rock came out of nowhere and nearly went through your leg.

Fred caught up to you. The only reason he could was because of your ankle.

"It's only a few hundred feet away! We're almost there" Fred told you.

The two of you ran right to the border of the strawberry fields. They were right in front of you and so was a centaur and a teenage girl with really long blonde hair. You almost ran into them.

"The black rocks. They're getting closer. One nearly went through her leg!" Fred told them.

The blonde girl eyed your ankle, "Ouch. That must hurt. We should get her to the infirmary"

The centaur said, "You're right. I can take her. It's best if she doesn't walk on her ankle"

"She just ran on it. It must hurt" Fred said.

"It does" You said as someone lifted you up onto the centaur's back.

"Hang on" the centaur told you.

You grabbed the centaur's waist and off you went through the strawberry fields. It was so fast that you threw up once you stopped. Luckily, it didn't get on anyone.

"Nico, get Will!" The centaur told a boy with hair as dark as night and extremely pale skin.

The boy left and walked into the infirmary. He came back with a tan blonde boy who looked to be around his age. You assumed this was Will.

"The black rocks cut her ankle. It's pretty bad" The centaur told the boys as they helped you off.

"Chiron, who is this?" The pale one asked.

Chiron must be the centaur's name. Chiron. That name sounded familiar.

You replied in Chiron's place, "I'm Y/n"

"Has she been claimed?" asked the blonde one.

Claimed? What did that mean? Did it have something to do with your father? Your mother said he was special. Your satyr friend said he was a god which made you a demigod.

Chiron responded, "No"

The two boys carried you into the infirmary and you were sat down onto a bed of some sort.

"Let me see your ankle" The tan boy told you.

You lifted your leg and showed him your ankle.

"Yeah, that's pretty bad. Nico, can you get some ambrosia?"

The pale one, Nico, went to another part of the infirmary and got what the other one,
Will, asked. Will wrapped your bloody ankle.
Nico handed the ambrosia to Will and he took a small square of it and handed it you.

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