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A/N: This was inspired by fan art by Battre La Rage (I'm pretty sure) on tumblr. I found it on Pinterest. The picture is right below. Edit: Someone, @LeticiaPML , the comments said the artist was Chamiyokuroi on Tumblr. It's from a villain! Varian Au where he joins Lady Cain and her crew. (Pretty sure he ends up killing her, might be another au)

 (Pretty sure he ends up killing her, might be another au)

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Doesn't he look so ..... you know what nevermind. I'm trying to keep it PG. (lol, some things that are implied aren't really PG but they're implied so it's PG. that's how it works right? I've read worse anyways) Also thanks for over 800 reads!

In this AU, Varian was not apart of the events in season 3. So Cass is still bad because she never got the OP moon incantation but she has the Demanitus scroll and can't decipher it. Rapunzel still has her long hair. Varian is in jail. All of that doesn't really matter except Varian being in jail. Also your father is the King's most trusted advisor. Eugene was practically your older brother. Rapunzel was a close friend of yours.

You were supposed to help Varian. Instead, you fell in love with him. Madly in love with him. If your father knew, he'd send you to a convent. Literally a convent! You had been secretly dating him for the past two and half years. You both were 18.

One night, you kind of escaped with him. Kind of. You sort of broke him out. You knocked the guards for a few hours and snuck him out. It was only temporary because you brought him back (reluctantly). But that night was the best night of your life. You two had your first "real" date that night, a secret picnic in the woods where you gazed at the stars. You did something you've never done before and you did it with him. It felt right in the moment. Luckily, you didn't get caught. Or so you thought.

Not long after that night, you were told you couldn't see Varian anymore also that you were being sent off to a convent. Literally a convent! But why? The only reason he would do this if he found out about your secret boyfriend. But how? How could he know about you and Varian?

"What do you mean? A convent?" You asked.

"Sorry, y/n. Your father advised the king on the matter and decided that this would be the best choice of action" Pete the guard responded.

The only way he could know about is if he read your diary. You called it your journal, but let's be honest, it's a diary.

You said, "He read my journal. I can't believe it. Please, can I go speak to Princess Rapunzel?"

You knew if you ever wanted to see Varian again, Princess Rapunzel was your best shot. She was a sucker for romance.

Stan stated, "I don't know if that's such a good idea, y/n. You really should pack. You're leaving the day after tomorrow" 

"I can pack tomorrow. It's not like I'd have anything better to do"

You stormed out and went to Rapunzel's room. That's where she was. You needed to see Varian again. Just one more time. You couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

"Oh, y/n. What are you doing here?" She asked.

You replied, "Princess Rapunzel, I have a very urgent request"

"Sure. We're friends, y/n. Just tell me what it is"

"I want to see Varian again. Just one last time. To say goodbye"

"Y/n, I'm not sure I can"

You pleaded, "Please, Rapunzel. I need to see him again. I love him"

"Fine but we are going to need to convince Eugene"

Your puppy dog eyes convinced her! Great now you had to convince Eugene. That would be tough.

You and Rapunzel went to Eugene's office and asked him if you could see Varian again.

"No. No way" was his response.

"Eugene" said Rapunzel.

"Listen, Varian is dangerous and I don't want to go against the king's orders"

You begged, "Please! Eugene, please! I love him"

"Eugene, please let her say goodbye" Rapunzel said.

He caved, "Fine but he has to be restrained and I'll be there to make sure you two don't do anything. Also you can't touch him"

You asked, "Eugene, what do you think I'm going to do?"

"Whatever you did that night in the woods" He replied.

"Eugene! What do you think I am?"

He muttered something you couldn't understand but you could tell it wasn't a good word.

Rapunzel exclaimed, "Eugene!"

"Do you want to see him or not?" He asked.

You said, "Fine"

Eugene got the keys and you two went down to the dungeons. He told you to wait in the room where you usually had your meetings with Varian. You didn't want to say goodbye forever because it meant you wouldn't see him again. Eugene brought Varian in and restrained him to a chair.

"Hello, m'lady" remarked Varian.

Your heart melted every time he called you that. You couldn't help but to smile.

Eugene exclaimed, "I'm watching you two so don't try anything!"

Varian rolled his eyes at Eugene's comment, "M'lady, are the restraints really necessary?"

Yes, yes they were.

"Yes, they are" Eugene answered.

Varian joked, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were my lady"

You laughed at Varian's little joke. It was funny.

"Just wrap this up and say goodbye" Eugene told the two of you.

Varian said, "Goodbye? Who said anything about goodbye?"

You told him, "I'm being shipped off to a convent"


Again, Eugene answered for you, "She's dating you. That's enough reason"

"Hey! I have feelings you know" Varian remarked.

Something must've hit Eugene in the back of the head because he fell forward straight onto his face. Lady Cain was standing behind him.

You said, "What the?"

"Like I said before, who said anything about goodbye. Now how about you take these restraints off me and we ditch this place?" said Varian.

Lady Cain stated, "Come on, Varian. We don't have much time"

"Come on, m'lady. I know you want to" teased Varian.

You wanted to but could you? Run away with him? Be with him for real? It's all you ever wanted but there would be a price. There'd be no way you'd ever see your family or friends again. Was he worth it?

You hadn't realized that you already took the restraints off him as you were deep in thought. Well, it's too late now. It seems you made your choice.

Varian offered you his hand, "Come on, m'lady. Let's get out of here"

You took his hand and left with him and his new 'friends'. The only one of his 'friends' you trusted was Ruddiger. You could finally be with the one you loved for real, no restraints.

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