Mon Chou

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Mon Amour Part Two!

The potion Varian forced you to drink started taking effect. All those feelings you buried deep down inside you were coming up. The more you wanted to hide the feelings, the stronger they were.

Your feelings for Varian were the strongest but they weren't the only ones to surface. Jealousy and anger also arose.

Jealous of Rapunzel and how much attention and love she got. Angry at Rapunzel for not wanting you to help Varian. Angry at everyone for not giving you what you deserved. Jealous that since she returned, Rapunzel would be queen instead of you. Angry because you were sick of being passed over for Rapunzel. Angry and jealous because everyone loved Rapunzel more than you. Everyone except Varian (and Uncle Monty)

Varian was the only one who gave you any attention. Your anger at him subsided. It didn't matter as much. It was smaller and weaker than all the other emotions you were feeling.

You loved him. He was cute, smart, funny, and damn, it was sexy when he spoke French. You were his amour, whatever that meant. Love?

He meant more to you than anyone...

Varian asked, "Are you okay, mon amour?"

"I've been better. You know when I haven't been chained to a floor!" You responded.

"Sorry about that, mon amour. It was a necessary precaution I had to take. You know I love you. Will you stay with me? Be with me?"

"Odd way to say it but yes, of course. I love you more than anything"

Queen Ariana muttered, "Y/n"

You yelled at her,"Quiet!" 

Varian got the keys and unlocked the chains on you. After he did that, he helped you get up.

He told you, "I'm so glad to have you on my side, mon amour"

"And I'm glad to be on your side. Now what should I call you?" you asked.

"How about mon chou?"

"I don't know what that means but if you like it, I like it"

Varian pulled you into a kiss.

He said, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that"

You remarked, "I'm guessing about as long as I've been waiting for you to do that"

"I love you, mon amour"

"And I love you too, mon chou"

You were about to kiss him but Varian pulled away.

He said, "Sadly, we have to pause but we can get back to it later"

"Aww" you groaned.

"Sorry, mon amour but we have guests coming soon"


Varian explained his plan to you and you were on board with it. If this was the way to free Quirin, then so be it. You didn't care what your family thought. You hated them.

(Now you can play the video of you want. It's song fic time. I know you know what it is)

Varian: Any moment now, your highness. Believe me I know I've sunk pretty low but whatever I've done you deserved.

Queen Ariana: Varian!

You: Quiet! I'm with the bad guy, that's fine. It's no fault of mine and some justice at last will be served.

Varian: Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down and there's only one answer for me. And I'll stand up and fight cause I know that I'm right! And I'm ready

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