A Mistake

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Request by @Varia4Life go check out their book, The one and only Varian.

You were a witch, sorceress, spellcaster, magic user. Any of those words fit what you were. You weren't that powerful but you were young. In fact you were only fifteen.

Your friend, Varian, was hanging out at your house. Right now, you were busy organizing. After that failed attempt at a love potion, your lab space was kind of messy.

Varian was messing around with a bottle that has a dark pink liquid in it, "What's this?"

"Don't drink that" you told him as he drank it.

"Uh, well it's too late now. What was that?"

This day was going to be interesting.

You responded, "My failed attempt at a love potion. Now that you drank it, I don't know what will happen"

He asked, "Why were you making a love potion?"

"To see if I could. It's a fairly complicated potion. Messing it up could have disastrous effects especially if you drink it!"

"Oh. I won't die, will I?"

You didn't answer. You weren't quite sure. Some of the ingredients were poisonous.

He asked again, "Will I?"

"Oh, well you haven't died already so I think it's safe to say you won't. You'll probably just faint" you replied.

Just on cue, he fainted. You were able to catch him, luckily. He was so light that you were able to carry him all the way to your bed.

You probably should tell his dad. You didn't have anyway to. He woke up a few minutes later.

You asked, "Varian, are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

He was clearly not fine. He just drank a failed potion.

He said in a dopey voice, "Anyways did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? Cause you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen"

What? It clearly must be the failed love potion talking. Love potions make the drinker fall in love with the first person they saw. You were the first person Varian saw so maybe you didn't mess it up completely.

"Thanks I guess" you said.

He told you, "I think I love you"

Say what now? Love you? Love was a strong word.

He asked, "Are you all right? Your entire face is red"

"I'm all right. You're the one who's not" you responded.

"I'm fine, I told you. In fact, why am I in your bed? We didn't-"

You cut him off, "Oh my god Varian! What do you think I am?"

"My other half"

Real smooth, Varian.

You told him, "Varian, this is clearly the failed love potion talking"

"No, I mean it" he said.

"Well then you are a smooth talker"

Varian whined like a baby,"Where's Ruddiger? I want my raccoon"

Of course he did. Ruddiger came over with him but you hadn't seen him since they came over.

You told him, "He's somewhere around here. I can get him for you"

He complained, "No, don't leave. Stay"

"I'll stay but that means I can't get Ruddiger"

"But I want my raccoon.... and you"

Aww, that was sweet but he was acting like a baby. He was acting like a sick little kid. Why would a failed love potion make him act like that? Maybe you messed it up so bad it was closer to an immaturity potion than a love potion. Maybe some kind of hybrid potion?

You asked him, "You do realize you're acting like a sick little kid, right?"

He exclaimed, "I am not!"

You had to resist the urge to say you are too! Ruddiger came in and hopped up on to Varian's lap. They looked so cute together.

"We're both here now so is there anything else you want?" You asked.

"I think you know"

Varian made a kissy face and you laughed. He was acting ridiculous.

You said, "I'm not kissing you"

He whined, "Why not?"

"Because you're not acting like yourself"

"Why? Don't you like me back? Could've sworn that's what Eugene told me"

Eugene. God, he could not keep a secret. Why did you tell him about your crush on Varian? Oh right, you didn't. Rapunzel told Eugene. She's not that great at keeping secrets from him.

You said, "Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about. What did you Eugene tell you?"

He replied, "That you love me"

"I err. I'm going to go get something to reverse this"

Magic undo powder. It could reverse the effects of failed potions and spells. You had to leave your room so you could go get it from your magic lab area. You went back and Varian was leaning in your doorway.

He said, "Hey"

"Varian what are you doing up? You're supposed to stay in my bed" you told him.

"So you want me-

"Varian! Stop it! Stop it with the inappropriate jokes!"

"Who said they were jokes?"

"Me, I did. They're jokes. Anyways, I have the magic undo powder. It should fix this. Just get on the bed and no, I don't mean it like that"

"Fine, fine" He said as you pushed him out of the doorway and onto your bed.

You blew the blue magic powder into his face and he fainted again. You were pretty sure this was completely normal. He woke up a few minutes later and was back to normal.

You asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Y/n" he told you.

"You probably shouldn't have drank the failed love potion"

He admitted, "Yeah, that was real stupid of me"

"Normally I would say you're not stupid but yeah, that was pretty stupid. You did say some pretty stupid things though"

"Yeah about that"

"Varian, just so you know. I'm no-"

He didn't let you finish, "Y/n. Those were jokes. But what else I said, I meant it"

"Varian, you were clearly under the influence of the fa-"

He cut you off with a kiss. The best kiss ever. Maybe he did mean what he said earlier. That he really did think you were the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen and that you were his other half. Maybe he really did love you. Although love may be a bit strong of word, you loved him back.

Varian asked you, "Now do you believe me?"

"Yeah, I do" you replied.

A/N: Did I make you laugh? I laughed while writing this. No one said anything about Restraints so. Also I think this is pretty dialogue heavy but I feel like that's just my writing style. The magic undo powder is from Wizards of Waverly Place. It's only in one episode.

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