My Friend

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First things first, thank you for 1k reads!! Since a lot of people want to see another part, I guess this is it. The finale to My Love. I'm serious this time. No more after this. Maybe something slightly similar. With a love spell on Varian. Ok, that's too much info. Anyways just a note that daily updates may stop because I start online schooling today and I'm lazy. That doesn't mean I won't keep updating the story because I will. This is going to be a long one. I think that's fitting because it's the "finale". Now on with the show!

You were on your way to the Dark Kingdom (of course you didn't know that). You followed the black rocks.

You sat down on the ballon and rummaged through the stuff you had with you. You had a dagger from Cass, a pouch of the neutralizing particles, a crumpled up piece of paper, and something you had long forgotten about: a small container with a green lotion like substance. This was a magic thing you made after the whole thing with he who will not be named (Not Lord Voldemort, Varian). It helped you get over him. You used it for a few months before realizing how it made you not like yourself. Was it worth it? To use it again? You were hurting again and this helped you last time. Maybe you could just a little. A little bit couldn't hurt, right? You got a bit of it out and rolled up your sleeve. You rubbed it over your arm. The green substance "disappeared", blended into your skin. Maybe you shouldn't have used it again but old habits died hard.

You found the recipe for it in one of Xavier's book and tore the page out. You stole the page. You didn't feel right about that but it was just one page. Xavier would never make it anyways.

The effects last awhile and the substance was a bit addicting. (It's not drugs, I swear. I got the idea from Charmed) It made you a bit irritable but you could irritable at times anyways so what did it matter?

Finally, you reached the Dark Kingdom. You didn't see Cass. She must've left them... Yeah, you probably shouldn't bring that up.

Your ballon descended and you reached the ground.

"Y/n?" Rapunzel said before running over to you to hug you. "I didn't know you ballooned. How did you find us? What are you doing here? Did someone send you?"

You responded in an emotionless voice, "I followed the black rocks. Xavier and the others sent me. There's trouble back in Corona and we need your help"

"What kind of trouble?"

"I'll explain on the way. It's very bad"

"Guys, there's trouble in Corona. We need to get back as soon as possible"

"Isn't that basically what I just said?"

The others quickly gathered their things and said goodbye. They all got on to the ballon. It was tight. The journey back wasn't anymore pleasant than the way there. You explained to them what happened but you left out the whole part about being kidnapped and love potioned again. You didn't ask about Cass. You figured that would be a sore subject.

You finally landed back in Corona. Eugene really wanted to get away from all of you except Rapunzel but you told Eugene that'd be bad. You wanted them to go to Xavier's hiding place but Rapunzel wouldn't listen.

Rapunzel said, "We're going to show those saporians who's boss!

Eugene commented, "That's my girl!"

You said, "Whatever. When you inevitably fail, I'll be in Xavier's hiding place"

"That's not very positive" stated Rapunzel.

"It's realistic. Reality is not very positive"

Eugene asked, "Are you okay, Y/n? You seem a little off"

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