Zombies 2 Songfic Request Part 2

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(You know those like red markings Keira and Catalina have on their faces? And the purple markings the werewolves have? So like your pack's makings are red like Keira and Catalina's. What markings you have, I'll leave up to you. Also Quirin is the school's guidance counselor. Also I'm aging Lance and Eugene down so they'd both be seniors. You know what I just realized, this is going to be looooong. Like probably twice as long as usual)

Varian showed you guys to the principal's office and you became officially enrolled at Searona High.

It was about time for lunch so you, Kiera, and Catalina went to the cafeteria. *insert the cool music from the trailer as you enter the cafeteria*

Wyatt said, "Willa, look"

Willa was surprised by what she saw,"There are other werewolves?"

Wynter asked, "What do we do?"

"Go say hi" Wyatt said as if that were obvious.

Three werewolves from the other pack approached you and your "sisters".

One of them who was clearly the alpha said, "Hi, I'm Willa. This is my brother Wyatt and our friend, Wynter"

You told them, "Hey, I'm y/n. These are my sisters, Kiera and Catalina"

"It's nice to meet you, y/n" Wyatt told you.

Wynter said, "I didn't even know there was another pack of werewolves"

"Neither did we" you told her.

Awkward silence.

You said, "Well, we have to go. Bye!"

You three went and got your lunch from the lunch line in the cafeteria. Once you had your lunches, you weren't sure where to sit until you spotted him.

You told your sisters, "You two can sit wherever you want. I know where I'm going"

You left your sisters. You went over to sit across from Varian. He had some friends with him. He wasn't the most popular guy at school being the guidance counselor's son and all but he had some popular friends. One was an older guy, a girl with short brown hair and and another girl with short black hair.

The other guy asked, "Hey, Varian, who's the girl?"

Varian looked up from his book, "That's Y/n"

"Varian, you don't just keep reading a book when a girl sits near you!"

The black haired girl remarked, "And what you know about reading, Fitzherbert?"

"Fitzherbert, like Eugene Fitzherbert?" You asked.

"The one and only" he remarked.

You rummaged through your bag you had on you. You grabbed an old book and handed it to him.

"Here. Lance said this was yours and he wanted you to have it back"

He took the book.

"Sorry if it's not in the best condition. Keira and Catalina can get a little competitive"

"The tales of Flynn Ryder! I totally forgot I loaned this to Lance. Wait how do you know Lance?"

"He's like my older brother"

(Did I forget to mention Lance and Eugene were childhood friends like you and Varian except it was Hector who told Lance to stop seeing Eugene?)

Varian perked up from his book, "The Tales of Flynn Ryder? I love those books"


"Wait there's more than just this one?" You said.

"Well yeah, it's a series"

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