A Goodbye Party

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I woke up the next morning in a not so good mood, I couldn't blame myself, I was supposed to be leaving for West Shore today.

I was glad Miranda and Wilder had decided to stay with me and pack and trust me I had a lot to pack, so did Rendezvous.

"When did your dad say you were leaving?" Miranda asked as she sat on the last suitcase so she could zip it up properly.

"He said something about....I don't know, the afternoon I guess, I wasn't really listening" I said.

"Don't look so sad" Miranda said "West Shore is about five hours away, we can always visit"

"It won't be the same" I said.

Sighing, she came to hug me and it felt like when I was leaving West Shore all over again.

"You're the best, BFF" I said, hugging her tight.

"I know" she sighed "I am awesome after all"

"So modest" I murmured and she giggled.

"So, dress up, come downstairs for breakfast, my mom is making her legendary waffles!" She said and ran downstairs to meet the rest.

I sighed and looked at my new bracelet, my mind went back to yesterday evening, just after Wilder had given it to me. The thought never stopped making me blush, even looking at the bed made me blush.

I was yet to see him this morning, he was up before me.

At the thought of that, I dressed up quickly and went downstairs to find everyone.

When I got to the stairs, I realized the lights were off in the living room and dining room, it was silent. Too silent.

"What's up with the lights?" I asked aloud and suddenly they were on.

"Surprise!!" I heard many voices call.

Immediately, I went into attack mode and punched the nearest person in the face!

"Ow, my nose!" The poor guy said and fell to the floor.

I looked around frantically and the next thing I knew, Wilder was holding my shoulders and telling me to calm down a his soothing voice.

"It's a surprise party, not an ambush" he said stroking my hair.

I looked at every one with wide eyes. There were bright balloons and decorations and a banner that said "Farewell CJ"

Miranda came out of the kitchen with a tray of mugs filled with whatever, which she refused to serve till I was fine.

"Are you okay, June Bug?" Wilder asked and I nodded.

"I'm fine" I said "but I nearly pooped my pants"

Wilder laughed and kissed me before pulling me towards everyone so he could attend to the guy whom I punched.

"Thank you so much, you guys" I said over the not too loud music "a farewell party? For me?"

"It's the least we can do" Fred said, giving me a hug, "I can't believe this is happening"

"Me too" I said.

"Dude, you throw a nasty right hook!" Blade said taking a mug of coffee from Miranda's tray.

"Thanks?" I said smiling.

"We're going to miss you" Bowie sighed, hugging me.

"I'm going to miss you all too" I said and took off the Brotherhood ring, handing it over to them. "I guess I won't be needing this anymore" I said, sighing sadly.

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