Angels and Ballerinas

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Ok recently I've been thinking of Ezra Ezra as Cooper Barnes and I think he's perfect, sue me!

Cooper Barnes at the top everyone!



I watched June stare between the girl and the shoes.
The kid was obviously longing to have them but she probably couldn't afford the pretty things.

"Hey" June said walking up to her "those are pretty shoes aren't they?"

The girl looked at June before smiling and looking back at them. I didn't hear her response but it was positive.

June went on talking to the girl before walking up to the owner of the stall leaving the kid standing there.

I was apparently unaffected by this till the owner of the stall started flirting with her.
My girl.

I had to do everything I could to not go out there and slam his face into the wall of his stall. Thankfully, my hoodie was big on her.

After a few more seconds, I couldn't stand there anymore. I just had to approach them.

"Hey, June Bug" I said putting my arm around her waist while holding eye contact with the sales guy "got what you came for?"

The dude's expression was that of "oh" then "dang it!"

I smirked. "Yeah, I got it" June said, leading the way out while I kept eye contact with the guy the whole time.

"Now that's over with, where's the...." She paused mid - sentence, looking around eagerly "where is she, Kingsley?"

"Who?" I asked and she glared at me "oh! Yeah, the little ballerina....umm, no idea"

"Ugh, you were supposed to look out for her" She growled but I could only think of how attractive she was when mad.

"I had no idea" I said as she went to ask someone else who pointed left.

June took off immediately, and I went after her, weaving through people so I could keep up with her. Man, she was fast!

Suddenly, she came to a stop and it took everything for me to put on the brakes and not crash into her and send us flying headfirst into the ground.

The red head was sitting at the edge of a round fountain, her head in her palms supposedly crying.

"Hey kiddo," June said, quietly as she approached her. The girl's head shot up.

"You followed me?!" She shrieked.


I wasn't really expecting the red head to be so surprised she'd almost fall back into the fountain water.

"Easy there" I said, catching her by the shoulders.

"Why did you follow me?" She asked, eyes brimming with tears "I get it, you're rich, I'm not and you can easily buy the one pair of shoes I've been wanting since forever and now you're here to shove it in my face?!"

Oh, now I get why she ran away, she probably thought I was keeping it for myself.

"We don't even wear the same shoe size" I said chuckling as I held out the bag to her.
"Wha..." She said as she took the bag and opened it.

I turned and pulled Wilder along with me.

"What did you give her?" Wilder murmured in my ear.

"The shoes and Thirty dollars" I said.

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