Bad hair day

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"It's impossible" I groaned.

"I'm just going to have to go to school like this" I sighed, "can I see the mirror Madam Tina? Is it that bad?"

"See for yourself" Madam Tina said, turning me to face the mirror.

I gasped.

I hate bad hair days! Of course this had to happen during a school day.

"It seems, I just have to accept my fate" I cried dramatically "and go! Onward, Madam Tina, onward and into the deathly abyss..... without good hair!"

Don't blame me, I read Shakespeare last night.

Madam Tina stared at me in the mirror for a while before shrugging
"I will go make breakfast Burrito"

And she was gone.

I ran a brush through my hair but it refused to 'wave up' and it was sticking out at all angles.

I sighed and went downstairs, Miranda was already waiting for me.

"Morning Mira, morning Jon Luc" I greeted

Miranda replied first
"Morning C-Jhoa!!! What is wrong with your hair!"

"Bad hair day, yeah, let's get going" I replied dryly before pulling her out with me, we took the BMW, I owed her that much.


At lunch, Miranda and I got to our usual table but then Wilder, Rich, Allen and Sage were already there .

"Hi" Miranda beamed and waved, but I didn't even smile.

"This is our table" I deadpanned at them.

"Calm down, Iron Lady" Rich said with a grin I so wanted to wipe off. "We can at least share".

"Well, I'm hungry so I'm gonna share" Miranda said and sat next to Rich and Allen.

I sighed and took a seat between Sage and Wilder.

"Hey babe" Sage drawled, leaning closer to me, I pushed him away with my shoulder.

Disgustingly handsome boy!

"What is up with your hair?" He asked

"None of your business" I growled, expecting him to back off but of course Sage reached out and touched it. I smacked his hand away.

I turned to Wilder on my other side. Turns out I wasn't the only one with a bad hair day.

Two blondies walked by our table.
"Do you think Wilder Kingsley came to lunch today?" One asked the other who shook her head in response.

They probably couldn't notice him in his jet blue hoodie.

He was also dozing!


But attractive.

His pure black hair was everywhere and some locks fell over his eyes in a messy but sexy way.
His eyes were closed, his long lashes swooping down and his pink lips parted as he breathed lightly through his mouth. Kinda like snoring but way cuter!

He even looked like a Greek god when sleeping.

I heard someone clear their throat lightly and I looked at Miranda who was giving me the you've-been-staring-at-him-far-too-long look.

I slowly turned to my food and took a big bite of my tuna sandwich.

"What's up with him?" I asked after swallowing.

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