No Rules. Truth or Dare.

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It was a perfect almost-autumn Monday, exactly how I remembered all my Mondays.

"I hate Mondays" I told Miranda as we drove to school, it was getting windier day by day.

"I know there's something going on today....." She murmured, she had been like this ever since I picked her up "it's most definitely not taco Tuesday or Christmas... it's...."

Suddenly she screamed and I swerved in alarm, almost hitting a bike rider clean off the road.

"Jesus, Mira don't do that!" I hissed as I got back on track.

"It's another Maloray High tradition" Miranda cried excitedly.

"Oh no" I said. So far, all Maloray High traditions had brought me nothing but bad luck.

"Honest, this one's good this time" she said "it's the Dentist appointment day!"

I nearly laughed. "What the heck is that?"

"It's the one day of the school year that the principal and the VP would be out of the same time"


"Principal Mowhen has a dentist appointment and the VP has a memorial for one of her parents"

"What about teachers?"

"They simply take the day off in the teachers lounge, they know we teenagers are out of control on this day and the last time a teacher took over, he broke a rib"

"Maloray High is a weird school" I mused shaking my head.

"Want to know the best part about Dentist appointment day?" Miranda asked just as I was driving into the school premises. I nodded "there are no rules!" She screamed.

I grinned, this could work.

Everyone looked so excited about today, I was.

It was just so cool the way everyone was free spirited and crazy.

"Are those kids in masks putting duct tape on the security cameras?" I asked stepping out of my car.

"Sure are" Miranda replied and the next thing I knew, I was tackled into a hug.

"Happy Dentist appointment day b*tches!" Fred yelled into my ear.

"Freddie!" I laughed. We'd become good friends after the party and Miranda had accepted him into our now trio.

"Come on let's go inside" he squealed linking arms with Miranda and I.

"Oh and no vandalism" Miranda said "else you'd deal with it when there are rules."

Inside was a lot like outside but the part I didn't like about today was the nosey middle schoolers that managed to break into the high school section, well they also had an advantage.

I was just putting my books in my locker since I won't be needing any when a hand slammed it shut from behind me. I sighed, turning around to face the intruder only to meet Sage's stupidly handsome face.

"Happy Dentist appointment day" he said grinning.

"Back off Sage" I said pushing his hard chest. "You're too close for comfort"

"You know, now that there's no rules, I can finally get a chance to kiss you" he said, leaning closer, I grimaced and positioned myself so I could give him a good ol' kick in the balls.
But when I turn to look at my side, I realized I didn't have to do that.

I met six pairs of little eyes staring at me like I was their mother hen and they were the chicks.

"Help" I mouthed and a little girl with a notepad and glasses gasped, surprised.

How to Survive in Maloray HighWhere stories live. Discover now