A Daddy-Induced Date.

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I just wanted to be alone right now, but of course Fred won't just take a hint.
He followed me through the crowd into the girls bathroom and even into the cubicle!

"Hey! I want to do my business" I said as I sat on the closed toilet.

"Hmmmm, no you don't" Fred said.
I gave him my meanest glare but he didn't budge.

"I don't know why, but you don't scare me anymore" he said and I let out a defeated sigh before putting my face in my hands.

"Talk to me, CJ" he soothed, stroking my hair, I smacked his hand away on instinct.

"Ithinki'minlikewithwilderkingsley" I said through my hands.

"What?" Fred asked

"Ithinki'minlikewithwilderkingsley" I repeated.

He was silent for a while then "whoa" he breathed "I knew it. I knew you aren't heartless!"

I looked up at him and rolled my eyes before asking, "Is it that obvious?"

"Only if you're searching" He replied "but he likes you, obviously"

I wish my heart didn't suddenly beat harder at that thought. It hurt.

We heard the main door open.

"Fred, CJ?" Miranda's voice called said. "Are you guys in here?"

Fred opened the cubicle door and Miranda rushed in, shutting it.

She squealed excitedly "oh my gosh, I saw what happened!" Her face fell when she saw my unenthusiastic expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not supposed to like him" I whispered. "I can't afford to fall for him"

"Why?" Fred whispered.

"Because I'm leaving Maloray right after this semester." I confessed.

"What? Why?" Fred and Miranda asked outrageously.

"I just can't stay here, I don't belong here" I whispered, more to myself.

"And you kept this from me?" Miranda asked, "I'm your best friend, how can you hide this from me?"

"I'm sorry" I said hanging my head. I wonder how these guys became my bosses.

"What other things are you hiding?" She asked.

I looked up. "This isn't our first kiss?" I chuckled dryly.

They both gasped. Fred out of surprise and Miranda out of mock betrayal.

"When!? When did the first one happen?!" Fred asked, grinning so hard.

I looked away, that night playing over in my memory. "After Vanessa Strutwort's party. He took me to an ice-cream parlor so..."

Miranda gasped again. "On Friday and you didn't tell me?!"

"For that, you get to explain how it happened in detail." Fred said wiggling his eyebrows "but for now, we face the pending situation"

"Well you obviously like him" Miranda said "I mean look. At. That. Blush"

I held my cheeks as they flared up again.

"And he likes you....."she looked at me for a second "what the f**k is stopping you?"

"I'm leaving" I said into my palms so my voice was muffled "I don't want to date him knowing we would be separated in few months time till, ah dunno, forever!"

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