Say Hi to Maloray High.

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Miranda came over to my place on Monday morning so she could ride to school with me, I was going to take my motorcycle; my child. But Miranda took one look at the thing and I could tell she was already imagining herself falling off of it. So I took my lavender BMW instead.

It was really fun hanging out with Miranda. She was smart and she had a lovely singing voice, she had a nice fashion sense too.

I wanted to be someone different for this new school. So I promised myself to not earn the "bad girl" title for the fourth school in a row.

I switched schools three times in West Shore. I mean, I'm not that bad, those guys just have a problem.

So, I put on a lavender camisole which matched my car and a jean jacket, it was suitable since summer was only just leaving the air. I also put on modest jeans and grabbed the simplest pair of shoes on the rack.

"Am I nervous?" I asked aloud, gripping the steering wheel hard "I think I am nervous!! What if I turn into a wreck in front of the whole school?! You know what, Mira, I'm turning back!"

"Calm down, CJ. You'll be fine" Miranda said with a small smirk. "Just as long as you don't fall flat on your face during assembly which is highly possible"

"Not helping" I growled and she laughed.
I took a glance in the rear view mirror at myself as I noticed the tall building which was Maloray high.

My pitch black hair was left down to flow all the way to my back. I had green eyes, just like Daddy's. I looked more like him than Mom whom I never really knew.
She died when I was four so I only knew so little about her.

I pulled into a parking spot and turned off the engine.

"Let's do this, nice skirt by the way" I said as I slammed the door shut behind me.

I always knew I was pretty, not to brag. I mean, waist length black exotic hair, emerald green eyes, pink lips and a nice figure, who wouldn't drag attention with all that? I just wasn't expecting the extra attention I got even from the entrance. It was like every single person was staring.

Man, there are so many boys.

So far, I'd only spotted two girls while the rest were boys.

"Miranda," I whispered leaning closer to her "did you forget to mention the fact that this place is creeping with boys!?"

"Uh . . ." Miranda said thinking, "yeah"

I groaned inaudibly.

"It'd be fine," Miranda said, trying to reassure me.

No it won't be fine!!

"Come on, we have time, let's go get our schedules" Miranda said and she pulled me along to what I guessed to be the principal's office.

Ten boring minutes later, we found out that our lockers weren't even anywhere close to each other. At least we had almost all our classes together.

There was an assembly in the auditorium to welcome everyone back to school.
When I beheld the population of the students, I nearly tripped.

Boys! Everywhere!! Just like the trees in this place.

"Why do I feel we are the only girls in this school?" I asked

"Don't freak CJ" Miranda said "but out of like three hundred people, there are just eighteen girls, minus us.
They are way over at the front rows."

"Twenty girls, this could be fun" I said, sarcastically and took a seat.

Miranda smiled and sat next to me as the principal, Mr. Mowhen stepped out on the stage.

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