A Daddy-Induced Date, Cont'd.

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Guess who this is...Wilder! I need comments though.

"What?" I gasped.

"She found out, after my Dad left us, I wasn't even done hoping that maybe, he'd come back. Then she dropped that on me"

He leaned on the railing, his shoulders slumped.

"I kept hoping though, that it would be better, I mean I heard of people who still lived normal lives with cancer, that lifted my spirits a little"

I nodded, silently urging him to go on.

"But then Evan came along with Eleven. He ruined my home, safe to say. He didn't care about Mom, I knew he was smarmy from the start, but mom was in love and I couldn't do anything but watch."

"I watched as he took over, turned the tables so we were the ones relying on him, squandered my mom's hard earned money. I desperately hoped he'll leave, I would have wished on a million stars that he'd get the f*ck out of our lives. But he's still here, my mom still has Cancer and Mr. Lyon still hasn't come back"

This was a part of Wilder I'd only caught a glimpse of, the part of him he hid from everyone else.

And I thought I was the only one who bottled up emotions like this.

I reached out gingerly and took his hand in mine, he squeezed tight as if trying to get whatever comfort he could find in that small gesture.

The wind ruffled his black hair.
"I don't want to have anything to do with him so I go by my mom's name." He sighed, running his hand over his face. "She keeps getting worse everyday and...I'm just tired, of being the only one bearing this burden"

He looked at me and I felt my heart squeeze at how broken he looked. His eyes were glassy with unshed tears.

"It will be okay, Wilder" I whispered.

"No" he shook his head "she's hospitalized now, it can't be okay."

I sighed before wrapping him in a hug, offering as much warmth and comfort as I could. His arms closed around me in a tight embrace.

"Thank you for sharing this with me, Wilder" I whispered "it will be okay.
You're a strong guy, you've been through all this and you're not even half as bad as I am. I don't know if this would help but....bad things happen so that good things can"

Dad used to say this to me, he stopped saying it though, he wanted me to testify to it myself.

"And you're right, Wilder, it's not like I can do anything about it" I shrugged "but there's something you can. You can decide to let this eat you up or you can continue to be the jovial, friendly, adorable Wilder that everyone knows. It's up to you"

His arms tightened around me and I felt goosebumps when he chuckled "you just confessed I'm adorable, who are you and where's my June Bug?" He said

"Just don't expect me to do this often." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Thank you" He whispered.

Then I said something I had never said in my entire life at that moment.
"I'll be there for you, you can always share your problems with me, I might not be able to solve them but you'd at least have someone who will listen"

I swear I could feel his heart beat pick up.

Why was I even listening to his heartbeat?!

I should have regretted those words though. I mean, I wasn't even done solving my problems. But for some reason, this just felt right.

We stayed silent for a while, hugging and seeking comfort in each other.

"If only you'd share your problems with me" I heard Wilder say with a sigh.

I couldn't possibly.

I placed a kiss on the side of his neck, hoping he'd shut up. But he pulled away from me with a short laugh.

I was confused at first then I realised and burst out laughing.
"You're ticklish!"

"I honestly had no idea" he said, his cheeks spotted with crimson.
"Why did you kiss my neck anyways?" He asked with a playful pout.

"Whoa" I said, "I did not kiss your neck"

"You most definitely did" he argued and I twirled a lock of my hair around my finger.

"Ok, maybe I did" I said and he shook his head.

"Seriously though, thanks for tonight" He said "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders."

I nodded and smiled, then he leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead, a lingering kiss.

The sound of merry whistling broke us up, then "oh my God I'm sorry!"

We both looked to find Daddy trying to get out of the scene.

"I didn't see anything!" He called and hit his head on the wall "ouch!"

I rolled my eyes and moved away from Wilder.

"I take that as it's time to leave?" He asked.

I nodded and went to get our coats. I handed his to him and he helped me put mine on, I was fully aware that Daddy was watching us.

The walk back to our cars was a peaceful silence, each of us thinking about the events in the last few hours.

I didn't stop thinking about it even during the ride home.

"So" Daddy said "you and Wilder, huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows

"Please shut up" I groaned.

"But I shut up long enough" Daddy said looking at me "do you like him, Cricket love?"


"You heard me"

"Well, I guess......"

"Then why......"

"Because I don't want to Daddy, I don't want to like him!" I yelled, "I don't want to like him or Maloray or.....come on remember our deal"

"Cricket, you sweet candy apple" Daddy said, cue the cringe "what if Maloray was okay.."

"No Daddy, if you're having second plans I swear to...."

"Ok, ok, you're leaving after this semester" Daddy sighed a frown evident on his face.

Shorter chapter this time, sorry. It's just because I can't put all this in the last chapter. So.....enjoy, next one up soon.


PS. This is the edited version of the chapter, enjoy😉

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