Chapter 23: For you I'd count The Salt Under the Sea

Start from the beginning

" Do you guys want to stay in the car, or come in?" I asked, as I was about to head inside really quickly.

"I'm coming" Tony said proudly, I couldn't help but laugh.

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" I said laughing, while clutching my stomach tightly.

Vic caught on; s bit late and began to laugh with me. He hopped out of the car and walked towards where I was standing.

Tony stood there giving me 'the look', but I ignored it, I couldn't resist.

"Niiiice, Harley" Vic said, while trying to catch his breath back.

"Can you not though" He said as we walked towards my door.

I just laughed at his reaction, and unlocked the door. The house looked surprisingly decent. I heard vacuuming off in the distance. Nat must be cleaning up... for some odd reason.

"I'll be back guys, I got to go upstairs" I said, walking up the brief staircase. I noticed the sound of vacuum increasing the closer I approached my room.

Before me, stood a red-headed girl cleaning my room. “Nat, what are you doing?" I said, trying to talk over the loud sound of the vaccum. "What?!" She asked, raising her voice so that she could hear me .

"What are y-" I cut off my sentence after realizing she couldn't hear me. I simply pointed down to the vaccum, and she made an understanding face, with a nod.

"I'm vacuuming!" She managed to say over the loud noise. “I got bored, and this is what I do when I'm bored." She turned off the vacuum. "You've been so busy with life without me" She said, with a pouty face. I could tell she was slightly sincere, but she meant it in a funny ish way."

"So I'm guessing you didn't get my text...” I said, trailing off at my sentence.

"I don't even know where my cell phone is, to be honest...” Nat said, in a downward tone.

"WELL, if you HAD your phone, you would know about the beach party we're having. Well I consider it more of a get together kind of thing rather than a party, but-"

"You're having a party without me!? Harley Torres, I am hurt!"

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go! If you would let me finish my sentence girl!" I paused, "There's just one tansy wins problem."

"What?" She asked hungry for an answer.

"Mike's going to be there, so it may be a bit awkward for you. But he said he was totally fine with you going, and that your relationship with him shouldn't affect the fact that you're my friend and that I want you to go."

"Aw that's really nice of him!" She stopped to think for a second, "What time are you guys going?"

"Now, so get your stuff ready! You can always vacuum later, it's not like you're missing much here...” I said as I grabbed a bikini, some board shorts, flip-flops and my other few necessities.

"I'm gonna go change, so just come down when you're done." I said, walking out of the door, with a smile and thumbs up.

I went into the bathroom and changed into my bathing suit and board shorts pretty quickly. The bikini top was navy blue, and had black and white Mexican designed skulls scattered over it. I wore a white aspire and create tank from Austin carliles clothing line over in.The board shorts I wore were simple black with two white stripes down the side. I topped it off with some plain black flip-flops to top it off.

I wasn't necessarily rushing, but I finished faster than I anticipated I would. After I finished, I picked my bag back up, and I headed back downstairs to my living room to find Tony and Vic deep in a game of Mario Kart Wii.

Because without you nothing ever mattered~ [A Tony Perry/Pierce the veil FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now