Chapter 22: Can we create something beautiful?

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Tony POV

Last night, I didn't get the best amount of sleep. I tossed and turned the whole time fighting the doubt in my mind that Harly was up to no good.

But since the feeling wasn't too strong, my mind wasn't eating itself up with doubt.

I sat up and got out of the bed. I stretched a bit and smacked my face to wake up some more. I realized it was already 11:27 am. About the time I usually wake up each morning (that we aren't on tour).

I hopped into the kitchen to find a really happy Jaime. "Someone's in a good mood this morning" I said as I checked the fridge for some orange juice.

"Yeah, guess who aggreed to go to brunch with me.." He said, and he waited for me to respond, he was eager and waiting for my response.

"Who?" I asked, I was acting as if I didn't know, but I obviously did.

"ZOE! How could you forget..?" He looked at me with utter shock and dissapointment.

I just laughed at him, and changed the subject. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"Well, I'm going to pick her up, then we're going to IHOP." Hensounded pretty excited.

"How are you going to drive her without a car?" I asked, knowing what was going to come next.

"Umm.. I was wondering if I could use yours?" He was smiling pretty big.

"no" I responded and walked to the living room.

I peeped my head back into the kitchen and saw Jaime with a playful pouty face.

"KIDDING!" He gave me the hugest mad face ever, caught the keys I threw at him and continued out the door. "Se ya later!"

"Okie- dokie" I'm pretty sure he didn't hear me since the door slammed before I could get anything out.

"Hmmm... what to do, what to do..?" I thought to myself.

I figured Mike was still sleep, but I wanted to verify, so I decided to go up to his room and peep.

He was sprawled out on the bed.

A half bottle of whiskey was on the floor, along with a pen and notepad full of writing.

I picked up the notepad and saw random lyrics scattered across the notepad. I put it back down, and stopped to think.

I wanted to call Vic to see where they were, but there's no use.

I'm not mad that he forgot about my plan to win her back, but I am pretty disappointed that I couldn't do all that I wanted.

Then again, I could always do it tonight..

I walked back down the stairs into the living room.

There's literally only 3 things in This world that can always make me happy.

Music, turtles and Starwars. I decided to pick up my guitar and strum some chords.

Harley POV

"Vicky has a girrrrrrrrlfriend" I chanted, sounding like an elementary schooled kid teasing somebody.

Vic proceeded to act as if he couldn't hear me so I decided to mess with him even more.

"Vic and Meeeeeegan sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Fist comes love, then comes the baby in the BABY CARRI-" Dude chill out with that!" He completely cut me off.

"Is Victor getting a wittle agitated? Awww poor baby." He gave me a death stare, so I backed off and changed the Subject.

"Sooo, what did Tony say when you talked to him?" I asked, while we sat at the stoplight.

Because without you nothing ever mattered~ [A Tony Perry/Pierce the veil FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now