Chapter 21: Like a rush shot through you

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Sorry for the wait again D: but this should be a bit long. ish.

Dedicated to jhawkgrl2003 because she's amazing, and she started writing a great fanfic. CHECK IT OUT NOW (you wont regret it i promise)

 ***** New character played by PeacefulwayofWar ******

So special thanks to her c:

((((((((sorry if it's short))))))))

Harley POV

I woke up sprawled out on the hardwood floor, of a place I don't find familiar looking.

As I looked to my left, I saw Vic. He was drooling in his sleep. It was just me and him in the room.


"Shhhh, you'll wake them up!" I heard a girl whisper.

Where the fuck am I, and why do I have this massive headache panting in my head?


"Dude, shush! I swear if you wake them up..." The girl repeated.

Who is this chick? And why don't they want Vic and I to be awake?

I sat up and walked towards where I heard the movement.

Before my eyes stood Kellin Quinn and Justin Hills. So I'm guessing Kellin was the girl that I heard.

Kellin was wearing a plain white t-shirt with green and black plaid pajama pants and white socks. He had bed hair, but he still looked adorable.

Justin, was wearing a gory pantera t-shirt with black skinny jeans and simple grey vans. His tattoos looked particularly vibrant, I guess it was the contrast of black and colors.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed, which earned me loud 'SHHHHH' from both of them.

Why am I here with two of the most awesome people ever?

"Vic's trying to sleep" Justin said to me.

"Way to go Sherlock, you woke her up." Kellin said while giving Justin an evil glare.

"Why am I here..?" I asked, hoping one of them would know the answer to my question.

"You slept over here after we went to a restaurant and got drunk." Kellin stately clearly.

"This is your house Kellin?" I asked.

"Nope, this is Jesse's house, I made him go get breakfast for us. Hope you like pancakes and bacon Harley!" He said with a huge smile, sounding a bit young for his age.

"Oh, I get it, and duh who doesn't?" I said while nudging Kellin.

"Oh so you're Harley, Kellin has told me much about you.." Justin said while winking at me suggestively.

Kellin gave him the 'shut-the-fuck-up-or-else-i'll-kill-you' kind of glare.

What is that supposed to mean?

Am I missing something?

"How was that kiss?" He said while running out of the room before Kellin got him.

Kellin attempted to chase him, but it was no use, Justin was somehow out of the front door.

"Kiss?" I asked confusingly, "we kissed?".

"Yeah we did, we were both drunk as fuck, I only remember it because it was like the best kiss I've had in AGES" He replied. He face palmed as if he had said too much.

Because without you nothing ever mattered~ [A Tony Perry/Pierce the veil FANFIC]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ