Chapter 16

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Liya's pov

"It's a playground." I laughed looking at Alec.

Still holding onto my hand tight he nodded his head and took me inside. It was the same playground Xavier and I use to come as children to play. The same playground where I was bullied.

I had so many memories with it and coming here after so many years just freshened them up. I wish it was Xavier I came here with rather than Alec.

"What are we planning to do?" I asked him confused.

It was raining hard. And I don't know who (in their right mind) would come to a playground at night.

Alec let go of my hand and ran towards a tree. I looked at him confused before I realized what he was doing. He unzipped his jacket and taking the book out he placed it securely under the tree. Then slowly he covered it with his jacket.

"I am sure it got wet already." I yelled over the loud noise of the rain.

He rubbed his hands together to keep his hands warm before coming towards me, "Atleast it's not soaking wet." He laughed.

I was quiet for a while before I burst out laughing too. I don't think there was anything to laugh about but I was enjoying this moment too much for my liking. I was happy and I was enjoying even the slightest bits of happiness right now.

"Come on." He led me in between where there were all the seesaw, merry-go-round, swings, slide, jungle gym, chin up bars, sandbox and many more.

The next hour was all filled with laughter as we both tried riding each and everyone of them.

When we were on the slide we got stuck in between. Probably because of the fact that it wasn't built for our body shape. As we both sat there in the middle stuck I couldn't help but raise my head high and look at Alec who was just behind me. His legs were laying there just beside me and his head was just above mine.

The rain seemed softer than before but still it was enough for me to make my eyes blink continually. Alec brought his hands up slowly and put them above my face like a shield. He was trying to protect me.

A soft smile came to my lips. Even though I appreciated his gesture I wanted this to be Xavier.

Alec's blue eyes held so much adoration that it made me feel bad. Bad that I was still thinking about Xavier when Alec is the one who is doing everything for me. Why the heck am I still thinking about him? Even now. When he didn't even care to take my call. He didn't even care to call back.

Can I hate him?

No. I don't think so I can do that ever.

Do I want to?


Alec suddenly started tickling me making me lose control over my laughter,

"S-STOPPP!" I yelled in between laughters. I could feel the tears threatening to fall down from my eyes.

He continued tickling me, "You sure?"

"Y-YES!!" I tried to get him away from me as I continued laughing loud. But we were still stuck in between making it impossible for him to get away from me.

I tried to get up and ran down the remaining slide sticking my tongue out at him. He shook his head before getting up and joining me.

He pulled my cheek making me wince a little, "I enjoyed it." He whispered.


It was awfully quiet.

But I didn't mind it. I was mad at him. And by mad I mean wanting to bang his head against the window shield beside him. Yes, very mad.

Right now I was sitting in the car with Xavier. From the moment I sat into the car he has been doing anything to avoid looking at me, talk to me. It seemed as if he was mad.

It is me who is suppose to be mad!

He stopped the car making me sigh a wave of relief. Finally, I get to get away from this awkwardness.

I still don't know what was making things this awkward between us, but I think it had to something with the amusement park.

Maybe he regrets taking me there at all. And this thought alone made me more mad at him. I didn't ask him to take me there! It was his choice! He took me there by his own choice. If he feels awkward to the point where he can't take my call when I needed him, he can take that awkwardness and shove it up his ass.


I reached out to the door handle to get out but a hand came on top of mine, making me stop.

My head snapped sideways to look at Xavier. It was the first time he looked at me in the eyes today.

I looked down again and noticed his knuckles all bruised up.

"What were you even doing? Punching the walls for fun?" I said sarcastically.

Even though I was being sarcastic I couldn't help but be concerned. It was no joke, his knuckles were bruised up all very badly.

He reluctantly took his hands away from mine and hid them beside him so that they were no longer visible to me.

"It's nothing." He said coldly.

I stared at him for a minute. It was not nothing. For god's sake I have eyes, not buttons.

But who am I to argue with him? Especially when I am mad at him.

I shrugged my shoulders at him letting him know that I didn't care much. Even though I did. I did very much.

I opened the door but his voice made me stop again,

"Actually," he started. His voice that of deep velvet, soothing, "I am feeling generous today. I will drop you in front of school."

I choked on my own saliva--coughing. He suddenly started patting my back lightly asking if I was alright. I nodded my head at him making him take his hands away from me.

Did I hear him right? I am sure I didn't. Shit this earwax is making me hear things.

"So?" He asked going to look in front again.

"I am sorry?" I asked a little hazed. Still not able to believe my ears.

He shook his head rolling his eyes, "Just keep on sitting, will you?"

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