Chapter 22

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"He is so rude." Evie whisper yelled at me from beside me. We were sitting in our history class while Ms Garcia went on with her lecture.

"How dare he even talk to you like that?" Brian looked at me in disbelief.

Evie looked at Brian and smiled at him. I looked at them and raised my eyebrows in question. Is there anything I am not aware of? And I should be knowing about it? Because from the moment they have come back they are acting very friendly towards each other. Which is rare considering Evie is always smacking Brian in any way possible.

"You guys good?" I asked them looking in front at Ms Garcia so that she doesn't catch us.

"Of course we are good, right Brian?"

Brian nodded his head sincerely, "Yes we are."

I looked at them skeptically. Something was going on. I could sense it. Did Brian confess his feeling to Evie?

I looked at Brian to find him concentrated ahead listening to Ms Garcia. He would time and again glance at Evie from the corner of his eyes but that was it.

If he did confess to Evie, well like a mature person I am, I will just pat him on the shoulder for being so brave. And and...I will do a happy dance. Throw maturity into garbage... My ship sailed! I will throw a party and shove down the drink down their throat with my own hands.

"Though I loved how you stood up for yourself." Evie smiled mischievously at me.

I was telling them about everything that happened after she left for Brian. I had already told her about Xavier's question to his confession that he doesn't care about me. Everything.

"Me too. Somehow I feel great and strong." I put my face in my hands, "But I think he is already doing all the things with Olivia that I don't want to think about."

"She won?"

I don't know who won. After I left all I received were some pitying looks. Which I definitely didn't want from people who like to poke their nose into someone else's business. My guess being Xavier definitely chose Olivia over me. Over anyone else. Why won't he? She gave the answer he wanted to listen. She was beautiful. And most of all...she was standing against me.

He makes me feel like rather than finding love for himself it is a sort of his mission to make me feel miserable in any way possible.

"I don't know who won! But he called her beautiful and the way he looked at just infuriated me. And I am betting he chose her!" I yelled loud enough for Brian and Evie to hear.

Some girl from the front seat shushed at us, looking annoyed. We all said sorry before going back to our conversation.

"That bitch!" Evie cursed but I shook my head making her stop. She looked at me with disbelief before asking me what was the matter with me?

"The worst part is that...she is kind. And good." I said softly looking down at my hands.

I looked back at both of them. Their jaws literally on the floor. I chuckled before helping them put their jaws back in place.

"No Liya. You don't call your enemies worthy. Or kind for that matter. God, I leave you for an hour and you change your personality? What happened to your fierce side?" Evie said in a way that she was trying to put some sense into me.

But I knew otherwise. Olivia helped me when those girls in the cafeteria were picking on me. She even invited me to stand with her. And she was tall and beautiful. And her voice was sweet honey like. She was kind and everything a boy would love to have in his girl. And she was everything a girl dreams about becoming.

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