Chapter XXXII

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Morning came and Taehyung was awaken by the rays of sun passing through the window. He groaned but his eyes shot open when he hear a click from a gun, he jolt up from the bed only to see Jimin raising his gun towards him.

"Jiminie h-hyung..." Taehyung muttered and Jimin let out a sinister smile, approaching the younger until he reach the edge of his bed, gun still aiming at him.

"Goodbye Taehyung." Jimin said and Taehyung's eyes widen and quickly shot closed when he pulled the trigger but a  'plonk' sound came out and---

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" A laugh erupted from Jimin as he throw himself on Taehyung who was frozen and shocked by his hyung's sudden prank.

"Jimin hyung! That's not funny!" Taehyung said pushing Jimin away who keep on laughing yet the older managed to snake his arms around the younger's waist, pulling him down on his bed as he cuddle the younger.

"Taehyungie~ sorry~ com'on I just want to have fun before the operation." Jimin said as Taehyung laid his head on his hyung's chest, both are tangled together.

"Operation? What operation?" Taehyung questioned and Jimin looked at him.

"You did not read the latest report aren't you?" Jimin said as the both of them got up from the bed. Jimin handed him a folder and Taehyung quickly scan the papers from the inside. His eyes are now focused on the printed information on the paper such as the event, place, time and such before scanning the pictures attached on the file.

"An operation to an event which will be attended by some SK Peninsula's members. Another raid, I see." Taehyung said trying to hide the uneasiness and tension inside of him.

Today is Saturday, he will be going later on an event with Jungkook who is the leader of that fuckin' syndicate and at the same time, the task force will be having their another raid which is also be happening an event. Is it possible that....

"Taehyung! Taehyung!!" Jimin called him and he snapped back fron reality.

"You okay? You're spacing out." Jimin said and Taehyung shook his head letting out a smile.

"Yes, I'm good. I'm just worried about you guys. The syndicate has been very quiet lately but soon, I'm sure they'll erupt like a volcano." Taehyung said and Jimin sighed, hugging the younger.

"Taetae, we'll be fine. We are trained for this. Yeah it is indeed a very dangerous operation since it involves the syndicate but just like what happen to our past operations, we will try and will do our best to make this successful." Jimin said and Taehyung nodded his head.

"Hey, we're still waiting for your appearance and comeback Officer Kim so come and get up, breakfast is ready!" Jimin said and stand up straight, giving the younger a salute before walking out like a military officer.

Taehyung's smile faded away as soon as Jimin went back to the dining area. Agreeing to Jeon's invitation to the event puts pressure on him especially that his team will be on a operation. It's definitely not a good choice.

"Is it possible that the event that I will be attending with Jungkook will also be the same event in which the team will go?" Taehyung questioned himself and he let out a sigh, biting his lower lip.

"TAEHYUNG! COME HERE AND EAT!!" Seokjin yelled and Taehyung got up, quickly going downstairs only to see the two in their uniforms.

"Ready for the operation hyung?" Taehyung asked Seokjin who let out a smile before nodding.

"Sir George told us that this operation will be attended by Jungkook, the leader of the syndicate which simply mean that his other companions will be there too." Seokjin said and Jimin nodded his head. Taehyung nodded as well taking a sip on his warm milk, looking away.

"I'm really eager to see that AD guy. He put me so much in pain and I want to take my revenge! I'm going to make sure that he will rot not just in jail but also in hell!!" Jimin said as he stuff the bread in his mouth choking after that.

"Take care okay? We are aware of what the SK Peninsula can do in a blink of an eye." Taehyung reminded the two boys who simply nodded their head in response.

After eating their breakfast, Seokjin and Jimin bid their goodbyes since they need to be in the station for their final meeting and preparation. Taehyung groaned as he battle with his own thoughts.

"Should I go? Or just call Jeon that I won't be able to come anymore?" Taehyung said to himself as he pace back and forth.

He pulled out the box from his closet and open it once again, laying the tuxedo on his bed. He didn't know if he can still be able to go to that event when his team is out there, sharpening their weapons for the war.

"If the operation will take place at the same event in where I am invited. There's a possibility that they'll see me with Jungkook. It will surely cause a chaos between me and the team." Taehyung said as he ruffled his hair, messing it.

"Aish I don't know what to do." He finally said before putting back the tuxedo on the box, pushing it inside his closet.

Taehyung sat on the sofa and switch on the television, watching movies after movies with a bowl of chips on his arms. He didn't realized that it was already 4 in the afternoon when he decided to stop his little movie marathon and rest his eyes a bit. Grabbing his phone, he choke on his saliva seeing a particular number appeared on his inbox.

"What the actual fuck!" Taehyung almost yelled when he saw tons of messages from Jungkook.

'Officer Kim, I will be fetching you later 6:30 sharp. Be prepared.'

'Officer Kim, are you in there?'

'Rude. Why don't you answer my sms?'

'Don't you dare ignore me dumbass!!'

'Okay. I'll be there later. See you.'

Taehyung quickly replied as he made up his own decision;

'Jeon, I'm sorry but I can't go already. I'm not feeling well and I'm suspended. I can't go around partying you know. Find another one, bye.'

After the message was sent, his phone blink indicating that a new message has arrived. Taehyung doesn't like the reply at all.

'I know. That's why I'm coming to fetch you whether you like it or not.'

"Fuckshit Mr. Jeon!" He cussed and walk into the room and pulled out a hoodie. He need to leave the apartment as soon as possible. Taehyung was an inch away from the door when it busted open and men in black entered, startling Taehyung especially that they are armed with guns.

"Good evening too, Officer Kim." A voice speak and there he is, dazzling and handsome, Jeon Jungkook in his perfectly ironed suit entered the apartment and shutting the door closed.

"I can't--"

"Of course you will." Jungkook cut him off and dragged him towards the bathroom before pushing him in.

"Take a bath and get dressed. I will be waiting." Jungkook said before shutting the door closed leaving Taehyung trembling with fear and anger yet he followed anyway.

After all, he doesn't have any guns with him right now.

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