Chapter XXI

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Taehyung's Pov

As those words spilled out from my mouth, i can feel my face turning into a hot mess. If i can only see myself on a mirror, definitely, I'm blushing like a teenage highschool girl.

Jungkook let out a giggle as he throw his head back, turning around to face me.

"Seriously? Officer Kim?" He said with a playful smile attached on his lips. Unknowingly, i bit my lower lip harder as i stare at those chocolate eyes.

Gulping down my shyness and pride, I grab his coat and force my body towards him. Face are inches away and noses are almost touching, my shaking hands gripping the material of his suit and I gulp down the lump in my throat.

"P-please.." I whimper against his lips and his hands harshly grip my back.

"Stay away, Officer Kim." He warned me yet I quickly peck his lips. His jaw clenched and I giggledㅡ wow. He's mad.

"Scared to get caught, Mr. Jeon?" I said in a mocking tone and he rolled his eyes.

"Is the leader of the largest and most wanted syndicate in the South Korea is scared to get caught because he kissed a guy? Oh so scary." I said and let out a giggle as I saw his hands clench in fist.

"Stop provoking me, Taehyung." Jungkook said and I lick my lips, com'on, i just want your damn wallet. I'm making effort here!!

"Okay, seems like you're a scaredy cat." I said before pushing him away yet he grab my wrist and harshly pulled me towards him. His grip was too painful and I wince as i try to break his hands off from me. Jungkook grab both of my wrist and pulled me flushed against him making me stare at his cold eyes.

"Kim Taehyung. What are you up to?" He asked me and I froze. Seeing how close the proximity of our faces.

"I just want a kiss." I whimpered. Fuck Taehyung, you sound so needy.

"I'm not a gentle person."

"I like it hard." I said and mentally cursed myself as I saw how his lips twitch into an evil smirk.

I let out a silent scream as his luscious lips attacked mine and his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me even closer. 'The wallet, Taehyung. The wallet.' I said inside of my mind as I kissed him back. Our head move in sync and I let out a squeak against his lips when he lift me up from the ground, putting me on the edge of his desk.

"You want this?" Jungkook said between the kiss before pushing his lips onto mine, hardly. He pushed me down on the desk, still not breaking the kiss until I'm laying with a wild animal a.k.a Jungkook on top of me.

My left hand on his hair as the other one is slowly reaching for his wallet. Once I touch the material, I arched my back to insert his wallet on the pocket of my slacks. Jungkook take that as a chance to harshly suck on my neck and I moan. He went back on my lips, messing with me and not giving me enough time to breathe until I'm gasping for air. He broke the kiss and I pant for air.

"You're such a fuck toy. I can't believe you're a fuckin' cop." Jungkook said and I pushed him away, sitting up and fixing myself.

"Thank y-you.." I mumbled and he crossed his arms, staying in between my thighs.

"For what Officer Kim? I can't hear you." He said and I gritted my teeth.

"Thank you for the k-kiss.." I said and hang my head low, this is embarrassing.

"It's a pleasure to fulfill your needs, baby boy." Jungkook said and giggled as he step aside, giving me a space to breathe.

"Are you going to ask me if I can fuck you on that desk?" Jungkook asked and I stare at him with a disgusting expression printed on my face.

"Fuck no. I'm leaving." I said and jump off from his desk, securing his wallet inserted on my slacks.

"Officer Kim." I hear him speak but i didn't look back at him.

"For the last time, stay away from this. I'm giving a lot of time and warnings but I'm losing my patience." He said and I gulp down. He's serious.

"It's my duty to drag you and your fuckin' organization down. You killed people. You do illegal things. You commit crimes. Just wait Mr. Jeon, soon, all of you will be on jail." I said and I can feel him staring at the back of my head.

"I'm not a good enemy, Taehyung." He replied and I smirk at his statement.

"That's good. I won't be hesitate to put you behind the cells." I said and leave his office, slamming the door shut. I lean on the wall and shut my eyes close, breathing heavily.

"You good, Taetae." I whispered to myself and quickly run out of the building. Clutching the wallet on the back of my slacks, fuck, i kissed a ceo just to get-- stole his damn wallet. I don't even know if I can get any information about the syndicate using his wallet.

I made my way towards our apartment and quickly pushing it open, locking it afterwards. I take off my uniform before stepping inside the CR to take a quick  shower. Jungkook's perfume sticks into me and my clothes. I love the manly yet sweet smell of it but it's a no coz it's Jeon fuckin' Jungkook.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I proceed to our room grasping the wallet on my hand. The bullets of water drips down from my wet hair down to my half-naked form. My hands felt the material of the wallet and I swear, it looks so expensive. On the side there was a "JK" letter engraved on the leather material, like personalized.

I flipped it open and my eyes landed on every business and calling cards inserted on it. I take them out one by one, reading each details written on it but all of those are just... simple calling cards. There are some bills and a picture of Jungkook, Hoseok and two more guys in which I can't recognize.

But they looked so familiar, I can't seem to remember where and who they are.

I take the picture out and a small piece of paper was folded into a small size fell down. I pick it up, quickly folding it open and reading what's written on it. My eyebrows furrowed as I read the statement, "Shall not spill the beans to protect the family." and "Hindrances are worth killing for."

I stare at the picture and notice the words written on the back, "boss", "hope", "ad" and "moon" are still clear even though the picture looks old. My eyes widen in realization as I noticed that each names are directly placed on each persons, looks like they're labeled. Jungkook as boss, Hoseok as hope, and two are labeled as AD and Moon. These guys are the other two companions of Jungkook in the syndicate. I knew it. The puzzles are now slowly being completed.

With shaking hands, I went back reading all the cards on the wallet and when I saw the calling card that states "Kim Namjoon". I grab my phone and dialed his number, after a few more rings, a voice speak and I suck on my breathe.

"Namjoon speaking. Who is this?" He said and I bit my lip.

"M-moon?" I whispered and the other line went silent.

"Who the fuck are you? No one knows me as the "moon" unless I know you. The number you called is exclusively distributed for the JEON Inc. business purposes, we have other phone numbers for our family. Now tell me, who the fuck are you?"


"Yes boy and I'm going to hunt you down. Hide now."

The call ended.

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