Chapter XII

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Jimin's Pov

"Bye Taemin-ssi!!" I scream and he laugh at me before waving his hands, saying goodbye at me. I put on my helmet and started the engine of my motorcycle and drifted off.

The wind passes by me and I'm loving the calm eerie of the road not until a black sports car dashed in my front and I almost lost my balance. I swerve to the side yet the car blocked my way and it seems like he won't let me pass by.

We entered a tunnel and the bulbs from above give us enough light to see. The sports car drifted and come into stop, blocking the driveway in instant. I don't feel good from seeing a car blocking my way out especially when it happened in the middle of a tunnel, almost dark and not a single car is passing by.

A man in a semi-formal clothes step out of the car followed by another one who is much more taller than him. They are both wearing a mask and i already know this is not good. My heart beats in a fast pace as they started to walk around me, fuckshit this ain't a movie. Not removing my helmet, i got down on my motorcycle and calm my nerves down. Putting too much anger or being nervous on a fight won't help, it'll make it worst.

"Please move your car. I want to pass by." I said and the man in my same height walk towards me, tapping the helmet with his long fingers.

"What is it little kid? Can't hear you?" He said in a mocking tone and I can see the playful smirk printed on his lips.

"Move your damn car, Sir." I said and he shrugged his shoulders and the next thing I know is that I stumbled backwards when he kick my chest like a martial artist he is. I gripped the cloth on my chest and gritted my teeth, enduring the pain.

A kick was blown on my stomach followed by another one and so on until I can't fight back anymore. They got my gun and take off its bullet before dropping it on the ground beside me.

"Get him up." The man said as the other man grab my arms and drag me up, putting my arms on my back, twisting it in a painful manner and i let out a groan. He take off my helmet and punch me at my left cheek. My eyes turning hazy and I shut them closed before prying it open and staring at the masked man in front of me. Their mask covered half of their faces and it's hard to figure out who they are.

"You're bestfriends. Am i right?" He said as he lifted Taehyung's picture in front of me.

"Saying a word won't hurt you kid." He spat and I try to struggle from the other guy's grip but it was no use.

"Who the hell are you?! What do you need?" I yelled at him as he put the picture back inside his suit, fixing his tie.

"I guess you're aware that you guys are involved in some shit that is eager to destroy our family." He said and my eyes widen in both shock and fear.

"You a-are from the SK Peninsula?" I muttered and he clap his hands.

"Bravo! You got it right!" He said as he grab my collar and harshly throw me at the wall, making my back receive the massive pain from the concrete wall.

My body aches and I lean myself on the wall behind me, I feel so helpless and tired. They're much more stronger than me and besides, they got weapons. I know it. He lean forward and put his palm flat beside my head, his other hand is playing with the dagger and I gulp down the lump in my throat. His thin lips twitch into an evil smirk as I let out a hiss when the pain in my abdomen intensified. It'll have a purple bruise for sure.

"You look too weak to be a cop. Are they running out of people who can be better on this field?" He said as his face comes closer to mine, minty breathe fanning my face.

"Shut up, AD." I said and I let out a smirk as his smile faded away. He seem to be shock and taken back when I spat the name, he forgot to take off his name tag. His jaw clenched and i can feel his harsh breathing, somebody's mad oh no..

"Well, AD. You forgot to take off your fuckin' name tag on your left chest. Are you really a companion of the boss? You look like an idiot to exist." I said and chuckled when he punch the wall beside my head. I'm getting killed anytime from now, what the fuck Jiminie.

"Don't test me, Officer Park." He whispered as he lifted the dagger on my right cheek, putting a little pressure on it before pulling it back and stabbing my right thigh. My screams was muffled by his hand as his body presses me harder on the wall, his dagger digging into my flesh and blood stream out like a broken dam.

"AD, lets go. Time is up." The other man said and he pull out the dagger as I drop down on the ground, pain shooting everywhere from my body.

"I guess you learn your lesson. I'm warning you and the whole team as well. We can kill all of you in a blink of an eye Officer Park. Watch out." He said before walking away, going back inside their car and dashing off until I was left alone.

I stood up, groaning everytime I move my leg and walk towards my motorcycle. I grab my phone and dial a number, waiting for the other to pick it up.

"Hello? Jiminie, where are youㅡ"

"T-taetae... I'm w-wounded... can't ride.." I muttered.

"Wait what? Where are you? I'm coming!" He speak from the other line and I quickly said the location before the call was ended. I grab a cloth and wrapped it around my leg as i sat down on the side.

A few minutes later, a car appeared beside me and a running Taehyung came in my view. I smile towards him as he cup my face on his palm.

"Jimin! What happened?!" He ask me but I'm too weak to respond. I feel myself being lifted and was being put into the backseat before the car drifted off.

"Hang on Jiminie. We're getting you to the hospital." I hear Taehyung said before darkness covered my sight.

- - - 🗡 - - -

My eyes shot open and the first thing I saw is the white ceiling and a pain from my right leg. I drag myself up and sat on the bed realizing that I'm on the hospital with a sleeping Taehyung on my side, he was sitting on a chair and his head was resting on the bed. I giggled as i hear his little snores which makes him to wake up immediately.

"Oh! Jimin! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Can you walk? Who did this to you?" He bombarded me with a lot of questions.

"Taetae, I'm fine but you need to know something. Sit down.." I said and he sit back on his chair.

"They've threatened me, you and the whole team. They're mad Taehyung. You should be careful especially when AD himself showed up." I said and his eyes widen in shock.

"SK Peninsula did this to you.." He muttered in a low voice as his eyes glisten with tears.

"The two of them did this to me and AD is there, he accidentally showed up. I mean, he forgot to take off his name tag! What'ta fuckin' asshole. So stupid to be in a syndicate!" I said and let out a chuckle.

"Stop that Jimin. You're hurt!" Taehyung said as he hug me.

"Taehyung, we need to get ready. They're serious about the warnings, about the threats. If we can't take the syndicate down as soon as possible. We are definitely dead. SK Peninsula doesn't have any mercy." I said and Taehyung nodded his head, arms still around me.

"AD showed up already. Did you see his face?" Taehyung asked me and I shook my head.

"Both of them are wearing a mask, just like that guy who attacked you at the old park. They're showing themselves but hiding their real form at the same time." I spat as Taehyung sat on his chair.

"They know us but we didn't know the real them." He whispered and let out a deep sigh and I just ruffle his hair. I lay back down on the bed and Taehyung pull the covers over me.

"Rest for now, chim. Taetae will take care of you." He said and I smile at him. I got the amazing bestfriend ever.

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