Chapter XXIX

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Taehyung's Pov

"How's Jimin hyung?" I asked Seokjin hyung as I entered the room in where Jimin hyung is fast asleep.

"He's already good but he need to stay here for a few more days. He was badly beaten up." Seokjin hyung said and I nodded my head. Jimin hyung is sleeping and I sit beside Seokjin hyung, silence wrapped the both of us.

"I told Sir George about everything." Seokjin hyung said and my eyes widen at him.

"What?!!" I almost yelled at him and he stood up, walking back and forth.

"Everything is a mess and will be a mess if you keep on working on that fuckin' syndicate without the team! Everyone will be at risk if you keep on dealing with them!!" Seokjin hyung said and my hands in clench in fist.


"Just look at what happened! Jiminie is in a bad condition, he's hurt and in pain and guess what? It's because of you!" Seokjin hyung yelled at me and I froze. He's right, it's my fault.

"You won't listen to me! I'm your hyung but you won't listen to my words!" He rant and I looked away. He walked back to me and cupped my face with his palms, staring straight into my eyes.

"Taehyung, we're in danger. Please let us help you. This is not your war, we're all in this. We're a team. You're not fighting on your own." He whispered to me and I nodded my head, quickly embracing him and he hug me back.

"It's okay Taehyung, it's okay. Hyung is here." Seokjin said and I cried on him, hugging him thigther.

We stayed like that for hours until I lay down on the sofa. Seokjin hyung holding me  me a fragile flower and I feel him letting out a sigh.

"Sir George is not pleased about what you did Taehyung." Seokjin hyung  muttered under his breathe as he softly brush my hair with his fingers and I fell into deep sleep.

- - - 🗡 - - -

"Now tell me Officer Kim! Why did you deal with them without my permission!!" The head of the police, Sir George, yelled and I looked away from his burning eyes as I stand in the middle of his office, the rest of the team standing on the side.

Jimin hyung is already fine, just a few cuts was left but all in all, he's doing good. As for me, I can't say so. Seokjin hyung did tell Sir George all the things I've done and here I am receiving his nag and rants in which I know I deserved.

"If Officer Seokjin won't call me in the middle of the night and tell me everything that you did! I'm still clueless that you already know all the person in the web!!" He yelled once again and I can sense the shock of the team on my side, expect for Jimin hyung and Seokjin hyung of course. Sir George let out a cuss and I gulped down.

"Now. Tell me Officer Kim, what have you found out. I want to hear it from you." Sir George said in a firm tone and I let out a deep breathe.

"Sir, the leader of the SK Peninsula is the young entrepreneur Jeon Jungkook, his companions are named Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi, the Hope, Moon and AD in the web. I've been dealing with them ever since the raid at the auction at the Eclipse. Officer Park Jimin and Officer Kim Seokjin is very much aware of what I've been doing. They knew it was Jeon." I said and Sir George let out a sarcastic giggle in which my eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.

"Jeon Jungkook? The CEO of JEON Inc. is the leader of the syndicate? Are you fuckin' kidding me?! Com'on Officer Kim that's....." Sir George cut off himself when he noticed that I'm not showing any reactions. He gulped down, standing up straight and let out a sigh.

"So, it's him." He said and I nodded my head.

"Yes Sir, it's him Sir." I spat and Sir George nodded his head.

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