Chapter III

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Taehyung's Pov

"Taehyung sunbaenim, the head of police is looking for you." A junior said to me, bowing his head lightly and I giggled at his little actions.

"Okay! You can go back to your quarters. Thank you.." I replied as i ruffled his hair before walking away, greeting everyone and bowing to anyone i met on my way. Grandma told me to be respectful to anyone, at any age, at any gender. I hope she's proud of me.

It's been days since I was assigned to lead the Operation BRKPeninsula, a task force made to lure out the people behind the most wanted syndicate of South Korea, the SK Peninsula. I'm so grateful that I was chosen to lead the force that will take down the syndicate. I've seen, read and watch all the news about them. Even before I entered the police force, they're already on the news. They're too cruel. Too brutal. Too violent.

The said syndicate had existed for years even before I was born and this will be the sixth time that the government had built a task force just to drag them down. As expected, the previous task force operations was unsuccessful. The team died in an ambush, some were missing and some were killed one by one. So if ever this time, our task force won't be successful. I'm so glad to think that I will die for my country, for fighting against the syndicate that had killed so many lives.

I fixed my uniform before knocking on his office and stepping inside. I was greeted by the head of police, Sir George Choi together with my co-leagues that was also a part of the task force. I give my salute before going on a seat and having myself all comfortable.

"So, I gathered everyone here to explain all the confidential information of SK Peninsula. Give me your ears and listen. Remember, words to be spilled inside this room will stay inside the room." Sir George stated and we firmly nodded our heads.

He stood up and retrieved the folders from the cabinet, handing everyone a copy.

"Taehyung, this SK Peninsula is cool right? I mean, just look at this pictures." Seokjin hyung whispered beside me and I mentally rolled my eyes. What's cool with this damn killers?

I carefully read everything on the file while Sir George is explaining everything and adding a little information that is not written on our copy. He told us that SK Peninsula had existed for years. They are the mastermind of the illegal drug transactions in and out of the country, human trafficking, cybercrimes and many more. Damn they're big and powerful.

There is a web of people involved in the syndicate and my eyebrows met while analyzing the hierarchy scheme of  the web. From the lowest part, there are Civilians, Criminals, and Sources. Some are identified with their names but most of them are blank or named with their alias.

"Sir, if I'm not mistaken this hierarchy web of SK Peninsula is the list of all the people who is also a part of the syndicate?" I questioned.

"You're wrong but at the same time you hit a point." Sir George said and confusion started to build inside of me.

"All of those people are working for the SK Peninsula but not everyone in the list is a member of the syndicate. Just like those Civilians, 200 of them are working for the syndicate but only 20 of them is a part of it." Sir George explained and I nodded my head.

I looked back at the web and there are numbers indicating on how many people are working for them and those people who are a member of the syndicate on a specific field.

[ Notice: No. of people working for the SK Peninsula / No. of people who is also a part of the SK Peninsula ]

SK Peninsula Web of People Hierachy
Hope | Moon | AD
(10/5) Politicians | (20/10) Businessman/s | (20/10) Government Officials
(20/10) Journalist | (20/5) Social Media Influencers
(200/20) Civilians | (50/25) Criminals | (12/6) Sources

"So, if a civilian is a member of the syndicate he will still be working for them also?" Jimin asked.

"Of course yes, just think of this. Once you're a member of the SK Peninsula, you know who is the "boss", you know where are the hideouts, you have the access on their camp, you will be able to know everyone in the syndicate and you will be working for them at the same time. Being a member means giving half of your life to the syndicate..." Sir George said and I absorb everything he said.

"BUT if you're just working for them. They will never show themselves to you, you will just receive a notice or a command from the "boss" from their trusted people. You are just solely working for them, you get paid and act like nothing had happened." He continued and we nodded in response.

"But why do they need to be a member of this killing organization when they can just work for it and leave?!" Bogum hyung asked.

"Simply because of money, power, and control. Once you're a member of the syndicate, you'll receive millions or even billions of money, you'll get the power and control you want. They just need to be loyal to the syndicate and work hard for it, that's all." Sir George explain and i let out a sigh. This is going to be difficult.

"But still, whether they're working or a member of the syndicate. If we put them altogether. They're so huge, powerful and untouchable. The government is aching for the downfall of SK Peninsula and you guys are the one who was chosen to accomplish this mission." Sir George firmly said as he stared at everyone's eyes.

My eyes landed back on the web and noticed that the "Boss", "Hope", "AD", and "Moon" doesn't have their real names, they're being identified with their alias.

"No ones knows who is the person behind the names "Boss", "Hope", "AD", and "Moon"? "I asked and Sir George nodded his head.

"Yes, just like what I've said awhile ago. If you're not a member of the syndicate, you wouldn't know. Even those who are working for them who was arrested weeks ago won't spill any information. No one saw their faces or just even their real names and identities." Sir George said and I let out a deep sigh. I'm right, this mission won't be easy for us.

"It feels like we're battling with shadows. Who are these people?! Where are they hiding?!!" Jackson spat.

"Calm down boys, with a good teamwork, perfect operation and plan. We can outsmart them. Lets make this possible." Sir George said and we nodded.

"Taehyung, I trust you with this. Show them what you've got. Guide your team and win the war." He added and I smile in response. He stood up and gave us a salute in which we return to him. As he leave the room, the pressure gets heavy on my back.

"Operation BRKPeninsula will start its investigation next week. First, we need to know who are those people on the lowest up to the middle part of the web. We need to get some information from them." I announced and the rest nodded their heads.

Staring at the web, my eyes pinned on the "boss". Soon, I will find and lure you out. Just wait for my arrival.

Hunting Syndicate | T.KDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora