Chapter XXIV

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"Where's Park?"

"Inside, Boss."

"Good. Guard the door."

Voices converse outside the room and Jimin whimpered as he gain his consciousness. A tape blocked his mouth and the tight cable wires hold  both of his wrist on his back and his ankles as well. He was leaning against the cold, concrete wall, wondering who is the person behind the sudden attack on their apartment, pick up a fight, and take him away in a not so pleasing manner.

The door pushed open and his eyes widen at the sight, silent gasp escaped from his mouth.

"Hello there, Police Officer Park Jimin." Jungkook said as he step inside the room, the door quietly shutting behind him.

"Oh I forgot. You're can't speak for now." He said as his perfectly polished shoes hit the floor. He bent down and take Jimin's chin gently on his fingers, staring down at the soft features of the officer.

"You're too feminine to be a police. How did you even managed to passed the exams and trainings?" Jungkook said in a mocking tone, gripping the latter's chin creating a silent whine from the boy.

"Oh well, anyway, you're here for some sort of reasons." Jungkook said, standing up and sitting down on a chair just infront of Jimin, crossing his legs.

Jimin stared at him, almost throwing daggers with his mad eyes yet the young ceo did not flinched instead he let out a smile that can capture anyone's eyes and heart if you insist.

"You're also a part of the BRKPeninsula task force, yes I'm right. A friend of Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung, of course I'm right once again. Now, would you guess why you're here Officer Park?" Jungkook questioned and Jimin let out a shallow breathe, eyes widening in shock as he clench his hands in fist, realizing what's the event in front of him.

"Yes. I guess you already know what the fuck is going on." Jungkook said, eyes staring down at him.

"I want Taehyung to leave the task force, step down on his position as the team leader and absolutely, drag the task force as well. Hindrances... they are worth killing for." Jungkook said in a low voice and Jimin clenched his teeth, struggling from the cable wires yet the more he wiggled and twisted his wrist, the wire keeps on getting tighter.

"The whole team is a hindrance. You, the task force, the team and Taehyung. All of you shall be vanish." Jungkook said as he raise his feet just to press it on the boy's chest, pushing him against the wall.

"I know Officer Park. You're scared and shocked to see me, Me. Jeon but this is fate. You deserve to die." Jungkook said as he stood up from his chair, fixing his suit.

"But not now, not yet. You're useful, a very useful and efficient bait for my dear Taehyung. Enjoy your stay Officer and oh try to escape and your lovely Seokjin hyung and Taehyungssi will be dead in an instant. Don't test me." Jungkook said as he leave the narrow room only to be replaced by a much more smaller guy with a pale-looking complexion.

"Well, lovely to see and meet you again Jimin." AD speak as he crouched down to Jimin, caressing his cheeks. Jimin protested yet it was muffled by the tape and Yoongi also known as AD, chuckled at him.

"I know, I know you miss me too." Yoongi said as he gripped the youngers hair, hard, tugging it backwards.

"Pray for your dear friends, Jimin. They won't be safe after all they you and the task force have done to us." He whispered, letting go of the younger who gulped down. Suddenly, the tape came off from his mouth and he let out a sharp yelp staring at the guy who was towering him.

"Fuck you." Jimin said through his gritted teeth.

"Would you?" Yoongi teased making the younger blush and looked away.

"Well, why don't you talk Officer Park. I would be gladly to listen." Yoongi said as he sat down on the only chair inside the narrow room.

"I won't."

"You won't? Really Mr. Park?"

Yoongi pulled out a knife and Jimin pushed himself further only to meet the wall behind him. The older smirked at the sight as he played with the sharp thing on his bony yet delicate fingers.

"We only know Taehyung as the team leader and the rest of the members of the task force but that's all. Our sources can't slip their ears and get any information aside from that. Kudos from your leader's dedication, I guess all the information about the BRKPeninsula is really confidential." Yoongi said and Jimin stared at him.

"I won't talk. Never. I'm not going to betray the team." Jimin said in a firm tone and Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, a smirk on his lips as he watched his dagger shine on his hand.

"Of course you won't." Yoongi stated as he approached the younger, shoes tapping the floor.

Yoongi harshly grabbed his ankles making the younger to slid down and lay on the cold floor, panic raise and Jimin let out a gasp when his shirt was being torn open by the man above him. Yoongi take a grip on his hair as his dagger sliced his flesh, along the ribs, creating a sort of line until blood slowly gushed out from it. Jimin gulped down the screams of pain and only the silent whine and cries erupted from his lips.

"There... perfect!" Yoongi said as he stare down on the younger's milky skin. "AD" was now engraved on Jimin's flesh, blood slipping, and be smirk at the sight.

"Still, won't talk?" Yoongi asked and Jimin gulped down before shooking his head.

"Oh my my so brave!" Yoongi said as he stood up.

"If you won't talk by slicing your flesh. Maybe I can find another way to get some info from you." Yoongi said and a playful smirk erupted on his face.

Jimin is aware it won't be an easy interrogation.

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