Chapter X

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Taehyung's Pov

The discussion of our plans for the operation has come to an end and i let out a sigh, i didn't know that talking all day and analyzing everything about the syndicate can be this tiring.

Seokjin and Jimin hyung are home already but I choose to stay for awhile, reading all the information we've gathered. From the pictures to some written materials and copies.

I let out a groan and lean my back on the swivel chair on our meeting office. I grab my phone and saw that it's already ten in the evening and I can hear my stomach growling in hunger. Woah, you calm down there little friend. Standing up, I put all the papers and pictures in a folder, organizing and putting them at place before locking them up in a cabinet. I grab my bag and lock the door before going down the building, greeting all the police at night shift a goodbye.

As I'm walking towards a restaurant to grab a food, my eyes landed on a large billboard on top of a building. It's the CEO of JEON Inc., Jeon Jungkook. He look so masculine with those sharp chocolate eyes, long hair, luscious lips, and his well-built body. He look so perfect and feels like God really spend his time making this human.

But still, I'm wondering what the fuck is he doing on that bar. Is he anything related to the syndicate? If yes, well he's not that good after all. He's a wolf hiding behind a skin of a sheep and that's very alarming. People see him as an angel who fell from above because of his kind donations and charities. I just hope he's not pretending, he's too good to be bad.

I entered the restaurant and quickly ordered a food good for three, I'm planning to share my food with the two hyungs left in my apartment. While waiting for the food to be cooked and packed, I sat on a couch and sent a text to Jimin saying that I'll be home in a matter of minutes in which he replied with a "okay" filled with too much hearts and kissing emojis. Childish hyung as always ㅎㅎㅎ.

I put back my phone and lifted my eyes and I saw a familiar face from a distance. His eyes staring directly at me before his lips twitch into a smile. Jungkook looked away as he continue to talk and converse with his fellow men in their table, looks like they're engage on a business conversation or something, i don't know.

As soon as my order was cooked, I pay for my bills and grab the large bag of food before saying goodbye and walking out of the restaurant. I glanced back towards Jungkook but I've seen three more guys staring at me, two of them having a poker face expression and it's fuckin' scary while the other one is smiling towards me, he look so jolly and cute.

Jeon Jungkook, what is the mystery behind your appearance at the bar. I want to know if you're just a normal businessman or you're up into something.... illegal. I let out a sigh and fasten my pace to go home since it's getting too late.

Once i entered my apartment, i saw Jimin and Seokjin hyung at the living room.

"Lets eat! I got some food!" I said and they quickly grab the bag in my hands and I giggled at them. They place everything on the table, setting it up before we gathered around and eat in silence. Thank god, I ordered more than our normal meal. I'm so hungry i can eat all of these.

After the eating session, Jimin hyung volunteer to do the dishes and I thank him for that before going up to our room and changing into my pajamas before diving in my bed. Just when I'm about to sleep, my phone ring and I answered without looking who is it since I got my eyes closed.

"Hello?" I asked in a sleepy tone.

"Hello Officer Kim." A voice spat and I shot up from my bed, the man who attack me from the other night. It's him. My hands clench in fist as I maintain my voice low and locking the door of our room.

"Miss me?" He asked from the line.

"Shut the fuck up. Who are you? What do you need from me?" I asked him and he released a deep chuckle that sends shiver down my spine.

"I don't anything from you Officer Kim. I already give you a warning but it seems like you're still eager to fight with the syndicate." He said in a serious tone and i let out a smirk.

"Of course yes. Are you afraid to get caught?" I said and he laugh. He fuckin' laugh like a maniac.

"Are you kidding me Officer Kim? We?! get caught by some young and unprofessional police agents? Bro, the past teams went all dead, your team is next." He said and I know he's threatening me again.

"I'm not afraid of you." I said.

"Lets see about that Officer Kim and oh! your friend, Park Jimin is cute. He will be a perfect doll for my friend." He said and my blood boil.

"Don't you dare touch any of my friends." I said through my gritted teeth.

"Okay! We won't hurt any of them but in exchange of your friends safety, back out from the operation and drop the team, leave the task force Officer Kim." He said and I bit my lip.

"No. I won't." I replied and silence followed my answer.

"If you say so. Well then, stay safe. I'm coming either for you or your dear little friends." He said and the phone call ended. I tried to call the number again but it's no use.

A scream shocked me and I quickly run downstairs seeing Jimin shaking while Seokjin hyung hug and comfort him. I saw a box and I almost throw up when a bloody dead cat was on the inside. Its foul smell lingered around the apartment and I pick up the card inside of it, seeing the picture of the whole team on it. I flipped the picture and saw a sentence written in dark marker;

'One wrong move and the whole team is dead. As you know, hindrances are worth killing for.' - SK Peninsula

"It's from the syndicate." I said as I lifted the box and went to the backyard, digging on the ground and burying the innocent animal before covering it with the soil.

"They're giving us death threats already. We shall be safe everytime." Seokin hyung said as he locked all the windows and putting a double lock on our doors.

"Lets get to sleep. This is scary but life must go on." Jimin said but I can see him shaking and so, I assist him to our room placing him on his bed and pulling to covers to give him warm.

"Goodnight boys." Seokjin hyung said as we drifted into sleep.

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