Truth Always Comes Out...(Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Grace- "I'm not only referring to our Dads but by the police"

Lissy- "It'll be fine"

Grace- "Have you forgotten that your Dad truck makes a loud sound when it turns on"?

Lissy- "I gave my Dad a sleeping pill"

Grace- "Are you nuts"?!

Lissy- "Shhhhhhhh"

Grace- "Seriously Allyssa"?

Lissy- "You know how light a sleeper my Dad is Grace. He would've have heard us opening the window. He is trained seal remember. Every sound or noise he hears"

Grace- "But a sleeping pill"?

Lissy- "Don't worry. It wont harm him"

Grace- "I don't know if we should do this anymore"

Lissy- "Look we are going. You were the one who talked me into sneaking out"

Grace- "Yeah but this is before you decided to steal your Dads truck and you gave him a sleeping pill"

Lissy- "We are going to this party"

Grace- "Fine...whatever"

Lissy- We get into the truck. I turn to truck on and it made a loud rumbling sound. I slowly back out the truck and backing the truck onto the street

Grace- "Are you sure you can do this"

Lissy- "Nope but I can try" I said as I put the car into drive and slowly press the gas pedal. We drove to the party with no more scratches or dents.


Andrew- "You made it McGarrett" I said as saw her walking up

Lissy- "Of course I would"

Andrew- "Who's this"

Lissy- "This is Grace. She's come to a couple of parties in the past"

Andrew- "Hey Grace"

Grace- "Hi"

Matt- "Drink time"!

Lissy- I grabbed a red solo cup and took a drink from it

Grace- I grabbed a red solo cup as well and took a drink from it.

-Couple of hours later-

Teenagers- "Go! Go! Go"!

Lissy- I ran nto the beach without any clothes on. (aka skinny dipping..........I think. Correct me if I'm wrong)

Teenagers- "WOOOOHOO"

-An hour later-

Teen- "I hear cops coming"!

Grace- "We should go Lissy"

Lissy- "Why? I'm having too much fun here"

Grace- "Did you not hear what the Mike say? Cops are on there way. If they catch us we are dead"

Lissy- "Fine" I replied. We walked back to the truck.

-Drive Home-

Lissy- As I drove back I ran a red light and we almost got into a car accident. I swerved out of the way just in time but I ran into a mailbox instead. We managed to get back home in one piece.

-McGarrett Home-

Lissy- We got out of the truck and we looked at the damage of the truck. "I'm so dead"

Grace- "What were you thinking of running into the mailbox"?

Lissy- "I was trying to avoid getting into a car accident Grace"

Grace- "Look we need to get back up there before our Dads see that we are gone"

Lissy- We managed to climb back up the tree without falling and onto the balcony. I slowly opened the doors to my room.

Grace- Once she opened the doors we tumbled inside landing onto the floor.

Lissy- "Shhhhhh"! I whispered to Grace.

Does the girls get caught???

Comment below....

A/N (I've been getting a lot of comments that you guys don't want me to add so many pictures I have been putting in my chapters. I try not to add as much but doesn't mean it will be like that all the time. Also you want the chapters to be longer....again I cant promise you
that every chapter will be long)
(This usually doesn't bother me but it's gotten to the point where it is)
(Please be respectful and kind in the comments)
(I do appreciate all of your thoughts comments. I do take them into consideration)

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