Chapter 20~Stripclub in the kitchen.

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Tamara's pov

"Morning Brad."I said as I passed Brad in the hallway.

"Morning Tam,how did you sleep?"Brad asked.

"I slept well thanks and you?"I asked.

"I slept well,I was about to go downstairs and have some coffee,would you like to join me?"Brad asked.

"I will come in a sec,I want to go take a shower and brush my teeth first."I said to Brad as I walked back into the my room to get my toiletries.

"Okay,I'll meet you downstairs then."Brad added.

"Oh umm Brad may I please have some clean clothes,mine are kinda dirty."I said to Brad.

"Sure,umm would you like pants or a dress?"Brad asked.

"Anything is fine."I said to Brad as I closed the room door.

"Okay."Brad said while he walked towards his room.

After I finished bathing I went to the room to get dressed,when I walked into the room I looked on the bed and I saw some sweat pants and a nikey t-shirt,I tried the clothes and I realized that they were to big the t-shirt was too long it's length reached my knee it looked more like a dress rather than a t-shirt and the pants well they just fell off.So then I decided to just wear the t-shirt and long white socks.After I got dressed I went down stairs.

"Hey...."Brad said while looking at me.

"Umm the pants didn't fit and the t-shirt was too big so umm I wore the t-shirt as a dress."I said while scratching my head.

"Oh okay,would you like an omelet?"Brad asked.

"Yes please."I responded.

"Do you need help with anything?"I asked.

"Yes,please make us coffee or tea whatever you enjoy."Brad said while cracking an egg.

"I'll make coffee."I said while giving a chuckle.

"The breakfast was good,thank you."I said to Brad while taking the plates to the dishwasher.

"No problem."Brad said while giving a small smile.

"Umm do you want to go do our assignment now or later?"I asked Brad.

"Let's do it now,so that we can finish everything today."Brad responded.

"Okay then let's go."I added.

Me and Brad went up to his room and we worked on our assignment for hours and hours.

" Finally,we're done with this assignment."I said while heaving a sigh.

"After this I don't want to hear anything else concerning Imfs."Brad said as he laid down on his bed.

"Haha,I know your tired but you have to take me home now it's getting late."I said to Brad while standing up.

"Okay,let's go and we will grab some dinner on the road."Brad added.

"Sure,ill go get my stuff from the room then I'll meet you downstairs."I said before leaving the room.

"Okay."Brad responded as he followed me out.

When I got to the room I took my clothes and made sure that the room was clean,took a final look at the magnificent room fit for royalty then walked downstairs.

"Hey you done?"Brad asked.

"Yup,let's go."I responded.

"Hello may I please have two beef burgers with two marinda cooldrink."Brad said while placing his order as we pulled over at the burger king drive through.

"Please go collect your food at the next window thank you for dinning at burger king."Said the lady on the microphone.

"2 beef burgers and 2 marinda cooldrinks,enjoy and thank you for dinning at burger king."The other lady at the second window said as she gave us our meal.

"Thank you."Me and Brad said before driving away.

"Can we eat here at the parking lot,when I get home I just want to go to my room and sleep I don't want to see those people's faces."I said.

"Okay sure."Brad said while pulling over at the parking space.

Me and Brad sat in the car listening to music,talking and eating our food.After we were done Brad dropped me off at home.

"Thank you for yesterday it was really a nice fun peaceful day."I said as I opened the door.

"No problem Tam,good luck with them."Brad said as he pointed towards the house.

"Thanks I'll need it,bye."I said while letting out a chuckel.

"Bye Tam."Brad said and let out a small laugh before he drove off.

"Are you a hoe now,do you just sleep with any guy and come home wearing his t-shirt!"Raymond spat as I entered the house.

"I didn't sleep with anyone and I'm only wearing this t-shirt because my clothes were dirty."I said while rolling my eyes.

"Your lying your a hoe!"Raymond spat.

"Hoe is that thing sitting next to you."I said pointing at Terrisa and walking upstairs.

"What did you say to me you little bitch?!"Teresa spat.

"You hurd me."I said then slammed my door.

"I'm g-

"Let it go Teresa,come here come give daddy a kiss forget about that worthless little bitch."Ray said while pulling Teresa close to him.

When I got to my room I took a little nap,I was sleeping for about 2 hours before I was woken up by loud music and flashing lights.I went down to see what was going on and I was shook and disgusted by what I saw,they were playing the song Ride it and Teresa was on the table half naked dancing and Tia was there twerking on Ronald's lap,Ronald and Raymond werw throwing money at them I was disgusted they had turned the kitchen that my aunt used to adore and love into a flipen strip club!

"What the hell!"I spat while turning the neon lights and the music off.

"What's your problem,can't you see that we're enjoying ourselves!?"Ronald spoke.

"What your doing is disgusting,Raymond how do you even allow this to happen!"I spat.

"Allow what to happen."He said as he sipped his whiskey.

"Your daughter is twerking on a man's lap a man who is 40 years older than her and 15 years older than you!"I spat.

"Tia and Ronald are in love,and besides she's old enough to choose who she wants to be with."He said then let out a loud burb.

"Your disgusting your all disgusting!"I said.

"Agg man stop lecturing us and come join me on the table baby girl."Teresa said.

"No I'll never be as cheap as you are,unlike you I respect my body!."I said then walked away.

"Oh well her loss,babe put the music and lights back on!"Tia said while taking a sip of her beer.

"Aunt I wish you were here."I said while looking at Aunt Lisa's picture then I took my airports and my phone and listened to music until I fell asleep.

Wiggle~Snoop dogg ft Jason Derulo

Hey lovies I know that this chapter was a bit dull and short,but I really hope that you liked it anyway!!!!
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