Chapter 7~Tamara's white boyfriend

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I stood by the stove for 3hours straight making sure I prepare a healthy and perfect meal for eveyone,because I know that after a long day's work all Aunt wants to do is have a nice meal with her whole family by the table.

While I was cleaning up the mess I had made while cooking Tia come in and sat down playing her music extremely loud.

"Tia would you mind setting the table,I would really appreciate it if you would,see the thing is I just want to clean this mess up before Aunt arrives and I would really appreciate it if you would dish up for everyone so I can go clean myself up to before dinner."I said while giving her a smile and wiping my hands on the apron I was wearing.

Tia looks at me.

"Why are you looking at me and not responding to my request?"I asked looking confused.

"Ohh I just wanted to check if you had feet and hands,oooo and look at that turns out you doo omw so ummm yea you can do all that yourself can't you see I'm watching tv." Tia said giving an attitude while rolling her eyes.

"You do know that I'm not going to eat alone right and you literally do nothing in this house you don't even wash your own bloody underwear,just try and be helpful for once in your life!"I said in an angry tone.

"Bitchhhhh you got my blood boiling now(Tia stood up)look here lil ms. orphan your the helper in this house you're an outsider you're not family and I won't do any house hold work because by you doing all the house hold work is you repaying us for everything we have done for you and personally I feel you doing house hold chores isn't enough nxa (clicks tongue) "Tia said then walked away.

Why does Tia hate me so much I mean I do everything she tells me to do I don't snitch on her I literally try to be the best sister ever but all my efforts always end up in vain.

Suddenly I felt a tear drop running down my face I wiped it off and tried to ignore what Tia has said but I couldn't control it,one tear drop turned into a follwing river of tears.I stood there for a while crying my eyes out but after a few minutes I saw the lights of a car,I took a peak to see who it was and to my surprise it was aunt Lisa so I quickly went to the sink then washed my face and used the paper towels to wipe my face.

"Hey sugar bug."Aunt Lisa greet warmly while taking her shoes off.

"Hi aunt."I said while looking down so she wouldn't notice that I was crying.

"Ooo it smells soo good what did you prepare for us?"Aunt asked while taking her wig off.

"I prepared lasagna and chicken with a green salad and I also made chocolate pudding."I responded.

"Sounds amazing ooo I can't wait to eat let me go freshen up then I'll come help you set the table."Aunt said while walking up the stairs.

"Okay Aunt."I responded and started setting the table.

After some time everyone come down and sat at the table.Aunt helped me set the cutlery.

"Useless utterly useless."Said my uncle.

"Raymond what is wrong with you now?"Aunt asked while looking annoyed.

"I work all day to provide for this family I expect my food to be ready and laid out when I get to the table,yet here we are."Said my uncle in an irritated tone.

"I'm sorry,Aunt wasn't here and Tia didn't want to help me get everything ready and that's -"

Before I finished my sentence my uncle intarapted me and said "Just keep your mouth shut."

"Yea give us our food and stop talking nonsense."Tia added.

"Tia don't you d-"

Before my aunt finished her sentence Uncle intarapted her and said "Don't you start."he said this while giving her a stern look

And as always my aunt looked down and kept quiet.My aunt is really afraid to stand up to uncle,you see my aunt acts like their marriage is all butterflies and flowers but she knows that she's dying inside,my uncle hits my aunt and she tries to hide the scars from us,I'm the only one who sees the scars she's trying to hide,Tia on the other hand is too self centered to notice her mother's pain.This thing of my uncle abusing my aunt has been happening for years,sometimes I feel like I could just take my aunt away from this hell hole she calls a home I sometimes wonder when she will get the carriage to stand up to him or at least go report him or better yet just leave him.

So Aunt kept quiet and sat down,like the submissive obedient wife she is.

"Why are you just standing there come here and surve dinner we are hungry."Tia commanded.

I took the lasagna and chicken to the table and dished out for everyone. After doing that I put glasses and cooldrink on the table and then I sat down to eat.We sat there in an uncomfortable silence for a bit until my aunt broke the silence.

"Uhmm so how was everyone's day?"She politely asked.

Tia looked at her and looked back down to her food and continued eating.My uncle well he did the same.

"My day was good thanks aunt,how was your?"I said while giving her a small smile.

"My day was good sugar bug,soo let's talk about that white man of yours"Aunt said while smiling.

After hearing that my uncle raised he's eyebrow looking at us like he was about to murder us!

"What white man!?"Asked my uncle.

"Tamara's new boyfriend."Aunt said in a sarcastic voice.

"What aunt he's n-

Even before I could finish my sentence my uncle intarapted

"Her what,you're a disgrace why would you date a white man!!!"Shouted my uncle

"What's wrong with dating a white person?"I asked looking angry and confused.

"So you are dating that white boy,Lisa this is all your fault you mos wanted to inrole them in a model C school even though I told you not to I told you that that school is filled with white people but you never listen!"Said my uncle in anger.

"I am not dating Bradley we are just friends,and beside I don't understand why you hate white people so much there is nothing wrong with them they are just like us!"I said in an angry and irritated voice.

"So now you have the nerve to speak to me in that manner,that white boy probably taught you this,you disgust me why can't you be more like Tia?!"My uncle said in an angry voice.

Oh so you want me to date older men and dress like a slut!?

"You know what I can't even stand to look at your face I'm out of here."My uncle shaved he's plate of food on the floor and walked out.


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