Chapter 12~Meeting the Simpsons.

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Brad's pov.

Wow that was a good dream I yourn,it's extremely bright outside I guess summer is coming in early this year I mean it's 5 o'clock in the morning and the sun's already burning my butt.

"Will,wake up honey it's 6:30 if  we don't leave now we're going to be late yet again."Mom shouts from down stairs.

"What it's 6:30 that's why the sun's rays are reflecting so intensely in here."I said to myself while jumping out of bed.

I took a shower grabbed my bag and ran  downstairs almost tripping on Connor's shoe.

"Bladyhell mate learn how to pick up your things."I said while moving at an even faster pace.

"Will don't scream at your brother now come down and eat breakfast so we can head out."Mom says.

"Yes Will don't be rude to me besides that's not even mine it's Tristan's shoe."Connor added.

"Eyy don't call me Will,mom is the only person who is allowed to call me by my second name,and I'm sorry I thought it was yours and you can't blame me because you and Tristan both have huge feet so I thought they were yours."

"Yea yea whatever."Connor said while taking a bite into he's sandwich.

"Come now Will sit down so that  you can eat."Mom said.

"Ummm no mom I don't have time to sit and eat let's go I'll just take my food to go."I said while taking  a sandwich and taking a sip of coffee.

"Bye Tris,Con enjoy your day."I said while running out.

"Bye Brad you too."They both responded.

"Mom please don't forget that Tam is coming home with us after school to do our physics assignment."I said while taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Who's Tam."Mom asks as she stops the car at a traffic light which was on red.

"Mom Tam Tamara the girl I was standing with last week friday the girl I keep telling you about."I said while taking a sip of water.

"Ohhh that pretty girl that you like."Mom said while pressing on the gas when the light turned green.

"Yes,and mom please don't act weird today  and please don't take out my nude baby pictures."I said while looking down and blushing and the mention of mom stating my feelings for Tam.

"Oh honey I wouldn't do that Tam might be your first ever girlfriend and from what you have told me about her I'd say that she's a polite and decent girl,I can't wait to meet her."Mom says with a smile on her face.

"I also can't wait for you to meet her infact I'm ecstatic."I say while bushing at the thought of Tam being my first girlfriend.

The car comes to a hold and I step out "Bye mom love you have a great day."I say while grabbing my bag and walking out.

"Wait Will what do you want to eat after school?"Mom asks.

"Ummm well mom you don't have to cook we'll just stop by burger king on our way home,that is if it's okay with you."I say while sticking my head through the window.

"Okay honey less work for me."Mom chuckled.

"Bye mom."I say

"Bye honey enjoy your day love you."

"Love you more." I say while running towards the school's entrance.

Tamara's pov

"Wake up honey you have to make yourself look extra pretty today after all your going to go meet your in-laws  today "Aunt Lisa says while gently shaking me to wake up.

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