Chapter 10~She's missing!

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I woke up,picked my phone up and looked at the time I was shook to see what time it was Aunt Lisa usually wakes us up at 5:00 so we can get ready before the bus arrives.I put my phone down and got out of bed I took a shower got dressed did my hair,cleaned the mess I had made and made my way to the kitchen expecting to get breakfast on the table and Aunt Lisa too but to my surprise there was no food on the table and no Aunt Lisa.I was both scared and shook it was unlike aunt Lisa to to wake up late,she was like the house's loud alarm clock she would wake us up while singing her favourite gospel song then all we'd hear down stairs is the sound of pots making a devin breakfast for us all.My anxiety got the better of me and I went up to aunt Lisa's room but to my surprise she was no where to be seen I scanned the room to see if she maybe left a note saying where she was off to but there was nothing the room wasn't even tidied up,now this really caught my attention because my aunt was a clean freek,I mean she scolds us when we leave the bathroom a mess she yells at us like she's scolding her drunk teenage who got pregnant,so I found it unusual
that she left the room in such a huge mess.I tried calling her several times but to no avail.

I got to the kitchen and sat there with my thoughts for a while.

where could she be?Did Uncle Ray come out of the big house early and maybe he did something to her to punish her for letting him spend a night in jail!Oms maybe he kidnapped her or worse killed her maybe that's why she hasn't been answering my phone calls!!Maybe I should flie a missing person's report!

I was scared to death wondering where Aunt Lisa could have gone and the voice inside my head wasn't helping my anxiety at all.

I hurd the door open and my head shot up instantly hoping it was Aunt Lisa who walk through that door but I was disappointed to see Tia walk through the door and not Aunt Lisa.

"Tia do you know where Aunt is?"

And before she could answer I saw another person's frame behind her I stood up abractically looking to see who it was.

"Is that her behind You?"

I took a step closer to see who it was but my feelings turned from wonder to anger as soon as I saw Uncle Ray and Ronald Tia's sugar daddy.

"Hi Tamara miss me ?"Uncle Ray said with smirk placed on his face.

"Do I look like the type of person who would miss you,I'm actually extremely pissed that your back home carwards like you deserve to rot in jail and mark my words I swear that one day I'll make sure that you rot in jail and pay for all you've done to my aunt you bastard!"I spat.

"Wow swearing really doesn't suite you and besides who will go lay a complaint against me my useless wife won't and neither will you because then I'll hurt your preshious aunt."He says while cracking a laugh.

"You pig don't call my aunt useless the useless person is you!"I spat.

"Haha your Pathetic."He says while still cracking a laugh.

"You disgust me you all do and you Tia,I can't believe that you are not standing up for your own mother,the woman who has birthed to you!"I spat

"Listen here-

"Just-Just shut up Tia,don't say anything because I know that whenever you open that garbage bin you call a mouth all you say is rude and offense words."I say while taking the stuff I need for school and walking out.

"She just slammed the door in my face who the hell this bitch think she is I'll beat her ass!"Tia says while in rage.

"Babygirl calm down she's not worth it don't let her ruin your day,come now baby let me drive you to school."Ronald says.

"No I don't want to go to school today honey let's just celebrate,my father is finally out of jail."Tia adds.

"Raymond are you okay with that ?"Ronald asks.

"Yes it's fine she can stay."Raymond agrees.

"Yayyy let's pop some champagne." Tia says throwing her hands up.


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