Chapter 13~Crush?

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Tam's pov.

I got in the house and Ray was sitting in the living room watching tv I greeted him and he didn't greet back so I just ignored the fact and put the food on the table in the kitchen and went upstairs to put my bag down and as I was walking up stairs I could hear sounds coming from Tia's room so I peeked to see what was happening only to see her and Ronald laying on her bed making out,I looked away in disgust and walked to my room.I got to my room put my bag down then went back downstairs when I got downstairs I set up the table and dished up for eveyone and while I was doing that Aunt Lisa came in.

"Hey honey bug,what you doing?"Aunt lisa said giving me a warm smile.

"Hey aunt I'm setting up the table I got us McDonald's I hope you don't mind."I said while smiling.

"Why would I,infact I'm happy it's been a while ever since we ate street food,let me freshen up I'll be down in less than 5 minutes."Aunt Lisa said while walking away.

"Okay Aunt."I said and walked towards  the living room to tell Ray  that the food was ready.

"The food is ready please come and eat."I said to him while walking to the staircase.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU PERV!!"Aunt Lisa screamed from upstairs.

"You won't talk to my man like and he's my guest you won't tell him to leave he will leave when he wants to and if he wants to sleep over he can you don't own this house my father does and you don't have the right to kick anyone out!!."Tia said while shouting at her mother.

"Babygirl it's okay I'll leave and next time we will meet up at my place."Ronald said while giving Tia a kiss.

"You disgusting man don't you have any shame kissing her right in front of me."Aunt Lisa spat.

"Aggg shut up Lisa."Tia said while kissing her sugar daddy and walking down with him.

"Eyy Ray see you later man."Ronald said when he passed Raymond.

"Bye Ron see ya."Raymond responded.

"What kind of father are you that man is even older than you are and you let him date your daughter!"Aunt Lisa spat.

"Yea."Raymond said while taking a bite of his burger.

"Aunt don't stress yourself out about this,if you keep on carring about these kind of matters  you'll end up becoming carzy,one day the chickens will come home to roost."I said while holding Aunt Lisa making her sit down.

"You know what honey bug your right,from now on I'll leave Tia to do whatever she wants and one day when everything comes back to bite her she'll remember me."Aunt Lisa said while taking a bite if her burger.

Everyone sat down to eat and after Tia and Ray were done eating they went up to their rooms without even saying thank you or goodnight,while me and aunt Lisa cleaned up.

"I'll wash the dishes,you can go rest."I said.

"No no it's fine I'll help you and thank you for the food honey bug."Aunt Lisa said while taking the dishes to the sink.

We started washing the dishes and singing together but eveything was intarapted by a ping.

I looked to check what it was and it was a Instagram massage I checked to see who it was and it was Bradley he sent me the photo's his mom took of us and asked if he could have my numbers I looked at the pictures for a while laughing at how cute we looked,then I sent him my numbers and carried on washing the dishes.

"It's from Brad isn't it?"Aunt Lisa asked.

"Yes but how did you know?"I said while drying the dishes.

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