Chapter 1~Beginings.

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Monday morning

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*
My alarm rang. It was time for me to get up and go to school. I just hit snooze and as I was about to cover myself with my duvet,I heard a voice say "Don't you even try young lady wake up and go take a shower" said my aunt in a sweet loving voice.

"Uggg do I really have to go to school?"I mumbled.

"Yes yes you do without education you have nothing in life...."my aunt always gave us lectures about how education is important and how we should take it seriously and bla bla bla ect....

I lived with my "aunt" I put the word aunt in inverted commas because she is not really my aunt,apparently she found me when I was just 2 years old somewhere in Africa when they were on their vacation,and she adopted me and took me back with her to America and raised me as her own.

I had always wondered why my mom would just leave me there....
"Did she just not want me ?"
"Maybe she just wasn't able to take care of me."
"Was I such a big burden to her that she gave me away?"
I would always ask myself these types of questions and I would offend cry myself to sleep. Sometimes I just wished I lived with her,I wish I knew who she was don't get me wrong I really do love my "aunt" and my "family" and I am thankful for all they have done for me but I just really want to know who my biological family is.

Anyway,it felt kind of strange to call my "aunt" mom so we both just though it was best if I just call her my aunt.She is a really good person but her husband not so'll learn more about him as the story goes.


"Come on Temera you are going to be late,come on now Tam go and take a shower then come down stairs I'll go wake Tia up so long." (Tia was my aunt's biological child and she really didn't like me,according to her she had her reasons why she hates me.)

"Okay aunt I'll go get ready." I said in a tired but polite voice.

After I responded to Aunt Lisa,I got out o bed,made my bed then walked towards the bathroom to take shower and brushed my teeth ,after brushing my teeth I combed my short brown hair in a small neat little ponytail I put some pins in it,because it was too short to make a full ponytail.After that I cleaned the bathroom because I had made a really big mess as usual.

After I cleaned the bathroom I went out to my room to go make my bed and open the curtains.I always tried to leave everything neat because I knew that my aunt hated it when her house was messy.

Hey guys I'm so sorry that this chapter was so short and cr**py I promise that not all the chapters are boring please continue reading.
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