Chapter 7

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            It had been a few sunrises after Mosspaw had realized that he had feelings for Fernpaw. He hung out with her more and more everyday. They were best friends, and Fernpaw was the only one that Mosspaw accepted since nearly everyone seemed to hate Mosspaw's guts. But Fernpaw would be a warrior soon, and Mosspaw was scared what would happen when that day did fall upon him.

            Mosspaw stretched and padded out of the den, nearly running into the Reedpaw.

            "Sorry, Reedpaw," Mosspaw said.

            The newly apprentice smiled and padded off with his mentor.

            Mosspaw looked up, noticing Cindertail padding around with her mate, Yarrowwhisker. A deep growl raged in Mosspaw's throat. He despised his half-siblings to a great extent, even more now after they had told the truth.

            "Mosspaw!" Fernpaw's sweet tone distracted him.

            Mosspaw turned away from his half-sister and turned towards Fernpaw. "Hey," he said smiling. "Are we going hunting?"

            "Actually, I came here to tell you that we won't be able to go hunting anymore with our mentors."

            Mosspaw was in utter shock. What did she mean? "W-what? Why?"

            "I need to focus on my training. I'm going to be a warrior in less than a moon. It's really important, and I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you. How about a moonlight stroll tonight?"

            Mosspaw tried to ignore the pang of sadness that surged through his veins. "S-sure. That'll be fine," he said with the best positive tone he could make.

            Fernpaw smiled and padded off with Waterdrop while Mosspaw stood, waiting for Smokestar to finish up talking to Cloudfur.

            "Are you ready?" Smokestar asked.

            Mosspaw nodded.

            "Where's Fernpaw?" Smokestar asked.

            "She's focusing on training right now since she'll be a warrior soon," Mosspaw explained.

            "Ah, well it's for the best then. I guess that gives us more one-on-one time. We'll practice some fighting moves today," the spotted tom said.

            Even the news of fighting moves did not cheer Mosspaw up. He didn't want Fernpaw to become a warrior so soon. He wanted her to train by him until Mosspaw was a warrior too. But he knew not everything stayed the same, and Fernpaw would still hang out with him. Things wouldn't be too bad, or so he thought.

            Mosspaw and Smokestar padded into the forest, the warm green-leaf sun shining down on the thick-furred toms.

            "What fighting moves will we learn?" Mosspaw asked.

            "Important ones," Smokestar said. "I feel that there is a battle coming soon, so we must be prepared."

            "Against who?" Mosspaw asked.

            "NightClan," Smokestar growled. "But that isn't important. We need to focus. We've already done dodging and pinning down. How about side-tackles?"

            "Alright," Mosspaw said.

            "Try to tackle me," Smokestar said. "Sheathe your claws though. I don't want to be in the medicine cat den all afternoon."

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