Chapter 15

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            Over a moon had passed, and Mosspaw had grown much. He no longer felt like the small apprentice in his clan.

            Skycloud had continued to show Mosspaw memories. He'd learned about her apprentice and kit days, he'd learned about Smokestar and his siblings, and how they were Rosefur's second litter. He had learned about Skycloud's warrior days as well.

            Mosspaw sighed, padding around the forest. He had been looking for Moonpool, though he kept either going past it or on another route. It seemed as if he would never find the pool that would lead him to the cat and what he was really searching for.

            Mosspaw had expected to be back at SnowClan by now, but he still wandered in the forest, learning more about the past as the hours dragged on.

            At times, Mosspaw was homesick, wanting to return to SnowClan. He missed everyone terribly, especially Fernpaw, but he knew this mission was important, and he had to go through with it.

            Wind blew in Mosspaw's pelt as he padded through the forest. The sun had just begun to set, and Mosspaw was hoping for more memories tonight.

            Hungry, he searched around for something to eat. Maybe a squirrel or rabbit would fill his stomach, and he headed farther into the woods, searching for something to eat.

            The sound of a twig snapping caught his attention, and he turned, spotting a mouse eating away at a berry.

            Slowly, he approached it, crouching down towards the mouse. All at once, the mouse looked up, noticing Mosspaw. Mosspaw then leapt, barely catching the mouse.

            He ate it quickly then headed around the forest, looking for a place to sleep for the night.

            His stomach still grumbled, but he ignored it. He knew shelter was far more important, and he found an empty burrow, probably dug by a fox.

            He climbed in slowly. No fox laid inside, and the scent was stale. This fox would obviously not be returning soon.

            Yawning, Mosspaw curled up in the burrow, resting his chin on the ground. He shut his eyes, his breaths becoming more steady now, and he fell asleep.

            Mosspaw dreamt he was back in StarClan with Skycloud, and at the sight of his mother, he ran to her, a large grin upon his face. He wondered what he would learn today! His mother had still not mentioned anything with Blacktail or Mossclaw, and he hoped he would learn about them tonight.

            "Hello, Mosspaw," his mother purred.

            "What will I be learning today?" Mosspaw asked, sitting down in front of his mother.

            "Do you have any questions to ask me first?" Skycloud asked, sitting down by Mosspaw. "How is your journey?"

            "Well, have I passed the Moonpool? I've been searching for nearly two moons, and I still can't find it," Mosspaw complained.

            Skycloud laughed. "It is closer than you think, and no, you have not passed it. You'll reach it in a day or two."

            "How will I know where it is when I get there?"

            "You'll just know," Skycloud replied.

            Mosspaw smiled, and he gazed up at his mother. Her eyes sparkled, and Mosspaw almost saw himself in his mother.

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