Chapter 31

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            "ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY JOIN BENEATH THE ROCK FOR A CLAN MEETING!" Cloudstar's yowl rang through the camp, and Mossheart excitedly exited the den with Fernbranch by his side.

            Mousestripe's kits were to become apprentices today. Mossheart's three kits had been training for a little over a moon now. From time to time, he and Fernbranch would check on the kits, making sure their training was going well. They had been improving well.

            Mossheart had remembered that first day Patchpaw had returned with a squirrel in his mouth. It had been his first catch, and Stoneclaw had allowed him to eat it. Mossheart had smiled watching his son gobble up his first piece of prey. Mossheart still remembered the joy of catching his first meal.

            Mossheart looked up now, watching Mousestripe's three kits head up the rock. He couldn't imagine how proud she was. He was sure Reedtail was as proud as she was, watching them from StarClan. Mossheart still missed his gentle friend.

            "Shinykit, Graykit, and Stormkit are now six moons which means they are ready to become apprentices. Shinykit, from this day forward you shall be known as Shinypaw," Cloudstar told her.

            "Tawnyheart," Cloudstar spoke.

            Cats gasped as the ex-medicine cat came forward out of the crowd, her gaze on her paws. Was he really choosing a betrayer as a mentor?

            "You have not had the greatest experience in this clan, though I do believe you'd be a great mentor to Shinypaw. You have learned loyalty and strength. Pass this onto Shinypaw," Cloudstar instructed her.

            "I shall," Tawnyheart said, touching noses with the she-cat.

            "I can't believe Cloudstar would assign her to teach an apprentice," Fernbranch whispered to Mossheart.

            Mossheart nodded slowly, though he picked up the determination in Tawnyheart's eyes, and he thought maybe she would do a good job. Cloudstar must've picked her to teach Shinypaw for a reason. Shinypaw was a special she-cat after all.

            "Graykit, from this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Graypaw," Cloudstar told the tom who looked down at his paws, unwilling to face the clan. "Sparrowwing."

            Mossheart watched as the brown tabby tom stepped forward. He was a young warrior, though he was skilled. Mossheart knew he'd do a good job of mentoring the tom.

            "You show honor and courage in everything you do. Please pass this onto Graypaw," Cloudstar told the tom.

            "I will, Cloudstar," Sparrowwing told him, running up to the tom to touch noses with him.

            "Stormkit," Cloudstar said, turning to the last kit. "From this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Stormpaw." There was a pause until Cloudstar spoke again. "Mossheart."

            Mossheart froze. Had he just called his name? Cats turned to stare at him, and he slowly stepped forward. He gazed at Cloudstar's blue eyes, gulping as he awaited him to speak.

            "You possess strength and love. Pass this onto Stormpaw as you mentor him," Cloudstar told him.

            Mossheart nodded. "I will," he said, running to Stormpaw. He ran to the tom, trying to look at him like he was a normal apprentice. He knew this was not true though, and he tried his best to smile as he touched noses to his apprentice.

Mosskit Book 3: SnowClanWhere stories live. Discover now