Chapter 27

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            Mossheart's kits were a moon now, and for a moon he had played with them, becoming a great father towards them. He was proud of Fernbranch and his kits, and there was nothing more exciting than being a father.

            As he returned from a patrol, he heard the sound of wails, a very familiar wail. He suddenly pricked his ears, realizing it was Fernbranch. "No, oh no," he gasped, wondering if one of the kits had picked up greencough. It had been spreading lately, and Smokestar had even lost a life from it.

            Mossheart rushed into the den, Tawnyheart appearing moments later. "What happened?" she asked.

            Mossheart turned, seeing Fernbranch with Jaykit and Patchkit. They were wailing, and Mossheart turned, seeing Tinykit lay on the moss. She was coughing up foul-smelling mucus.

            Mossheart ran to his mate and kits. "Fernbranch what..." His voice trailed off. "Tawnyheart, you must treat her!" Mossheart spat.

            Tawnyheart ran to Tinykit's side, sitting down next to the sick she-cat. "Tinykit, what happened?" Tawnyheart asked.

            Mossheart watched as Tinykit's eyes fluttered open. "," she coughed.

            Mossheart gasped, turning to Tawnyheart. "She must have drank poisonous water! Tawnyheart, you have to save her!" he pleaded, trying to ignore the wails from his mate and two healthy kits.

            Mossheart watched as the calico she-cat bit her lip. She gave Tinykit a bit of yarrow, and the she-cat coughed up more foul-smelling liquid. Mossheart saw the fear in his daughter's eyes she looked at her family, frightened.

            "Alright," Tawnyheart said, looking at the small kit. "Have one juniper berry, and you can rest," Tawnyheart told Tinykit. Mossheart felt a bit more relieved as she ate the berry then fell asleep, her constant vomiting stopping.

            "Will she recover?" Mossheart asked once he knew she was asleep. "She's my only daughter. I don't want anything to happen to her..."

            He watched as Tawnyheart's eyes flicked with uncertainty. "I'm not sure. We'll just have to wait and see," she said.

            "Please take good care of her," Mossheart said, turning to Fernbranch and the kits in hopes to comfort them. Their cries continued on, and he shushed them, hoping for some peace.

            Tinykit opened her eyes a bit later once Fernbranch and the kits had stopped crying. Her eyes turned from Mossheart's to Fernbranch. "I'm sorry, Mommy," she whispered. "I saw a puddle of black water, and I was thirsty, so I drank it," she mewed.

            Mossheart turned to his daugher. "Tinykit, you never drink black water. You only drink water from rivers, streams, or lakes. You shouldn't be out in the forest alone."

            "It was near the river," she mewed quietly. "I'm sorry, Daddy, very sorry." She sighed and rested her head, barely moving. Mossheart's eyes widened. Was she dead? Fernbranch gasped, about to scream. Tawnyheart spoke before she could though.

            "She's still alive, but she's tired. I think the poison is out of her system," Tawnyheart told them. Mossheart turned, seeing Tinykit scratch her eyes every few seconds.

            "Well, next time, don't drink black water," Mossheart said. He watched as she continued to scratch her eyes. "Tawnyheart, why is she scratching her eyes like that?"

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