Chapter 25

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            Mossheart awoke, visiting Fernbranch in the nursery. It would only be a few days now until her kits were to be born, and she was staying in the nursery constantly, preparing to give birth.

            "Good morning," Fernbranch said. She was as plump as a watermelon now as she waited to give birth. Mossheart still hoped he would be a good parent.

            "Good morning," Mossheart said, licking her cheek. "Only a few days now until your kits are born."

            Fernbranch nodded. "I know. I'm a bit scared as to what will happen when they are born," she admitted.

            "It's alright," Mossheart told her. "Spottedmask and Tawnyheart are great medicine cats. They'll take care of you."

            Fernbranch smiled. "Thanks," she said.

            Feeling something whisk by him, Mossheart turned, seeing one of Sunflash's kits racing around.

            "Branchkit, come back here!" Sunflash snapped. "Stop chasing after Lavenderkit," she said. She turned to a brown tabby tom. "Chesnutkit, you better be more gentler with Hollykit. She's your sister for StarClan's sake. Orangekit, are you still resting?"

            Mossheart shuddered. He had to admit, Sunflash was doing a pretty good job at controlling five kits. Mossheart turned, seeing Mousestripe sitting in the nursery. She had turned out to be pregnant like Fernbranch said. Mossheart had been glad to see how thrilled Reedtail was.

            The only problem was that Mossheart had spotted Thornfrost, Moonstorm's mate, constantly chatting to Mousestripe lately. He had meant to ask Fernbranch what that was about.

            "Want to come share a squirrel?" Mossheart asked.

            "Alright," Fernbranch said. It took all her effort to stand up, and she slowly padded to the fresh-kill pile with Mossheart.

            "So, what's up?" Fernbranch asked, nibbling a skinny squirrel. The pile had gone down less and less, and Mossheart had become hungry every day with the lack of food.

            "I'm a bit curious about Mousestripe and Thornfrost," Mossheart told her. "What is that all about?"

            Fernbranch laughed. "Oh, I remember all of that. It was all Honeyleap would talk about when we were apprentices. I guess when they were apprentices, Thornfrost really liked Mousestripe, but she was into Reedtail. Thornfrost ended up getting hurt, and Tawnyheart had screamed at Mousestripe. Soon enough, Thornfrost begin to hate her, getting a bit too close to Tawnyheart. He began to hang out with Sandnose. Don't you recall the very young elder who lost the feeling in both her legs?"

            Mossheart nodded, realizing he hadn't seen the she-cat in awhile. What had happened to her?

            "Well, I guess Mousestripe felt really harassed. She even tried to kill herself, if only Thornfrost hadn't come to her rescue, she'd be dead. I guess Sandnose began to feel harassed too as the friends turned on each other. She leapt into the water, and Mousestripe saved her. Mousestripe ran away before she could hear one of Sandnose's remarks. Sandnose jumped back in, only to become paralyzed. Thornfrost blamed all of it on Mousestripe, beginning to become close to Tawnyheart again. The two hadn't spoken in moons.

            "Thornfrost eventually became mates with Moonstream. Her kits are nearly apprentices now. A badger tried to attack Moonstream as she gave birth, but Sandnose took the blow for her. Thornfrost still cannot forgive Mousestripe for all she's done, yet, he's been watching over her. I think he still cares about her."

            "Well, that's a bit of drama," Mossheart laughed. He looked up, seeing a snowflake fall from the sky. "Mouse-dung," he spat.

            Fernbranch looked up. "The first snowfall of leaf-bare. I should've known it would come soon. Can you take me back inside?"

            Mossheart nodded, escorting his mate back into the nursery. He gave her the rest of the squirrel, knowing that she should keep her strength up.

            "It's alright, Mossheart. You can have it," she told him.

            "No," Mossheart argued, seeing the snow drift down below. "You need to remain strong, Fernbranch, especially when you give birth to your kits."

            "Alright," Fernbranch sighed.

            Leaving the nursery, the snow began to fall faster, beginning to cover the ground. Cats had moved the fresh-kill pile out of the way, not wanting the few pieces of prey to be spoiled by the snow.

            Mossheart thought back to his journey across the mountains where he couldn't seem to get away from the snow. Even now, he got a disgusting feel in his stomach just looking at it drift down.

            The journey across the mountains had been when Gloria was separated, only to return later. Mossheart remembered how thrilled he was seeing her, only to realize a few moons ago that she had been told not to complete the journey.

            Mossheart didn't care as much though now. She was obviously enjoying her life as a kittypet, and Mossheart had a new mate and kits on the way.

            Sighing, he closed his eyes, beginning to nap.

When Mossheart awoke, a few inches of snow coated the ground, and kits stumbled outside the nursery with their mothes, curious as to what the substance was. He watched as one of Sunflash's kits tumbled with another.

            Mossheart imagined him in several sunrises, playing with his kits in the snow. Fernbranch would watch and laugh along as they played, and they would all have fun together. He only hoped greenocough wouldn't spread by then.

            Mossheart padded back into the nursery, deciding to check on Fernbranch. Tawnyheart was there, feeling her stomach. Fernbranch had daily check-ups now that she would be giving birth any day.

            "I'd say in the next few sunrises or so," Tawnyheart told her. "They should come on time."

            Fernbranch nodded, a look of worry on her face.

            "Don't fret," Tawnyheart told her. "Giving birth to kits isn't that hard. Spottedmask and I will be with you," she assured her. It sounded to Mossheart like Tawnyheart had given birth to kits before. It couldn't be possible though since she was a medicine cat.

            Fernbranch turned, seeing Mossheart. "Oh, hello!" she said.

            Mossheart padded to her, smiling. "Have you seen the snow?" he asked.

            "Just through the entrance of the den. Tawnyheart tells me I should rest for now. She doesn't want me moving a lot. I really don't want to give birth in the middle of the camp," Fernbranch laughed.

            Mossheart laughed too. "You tell me if you need anything, and I'll bring it to you," Mossheart told her.

            Fernbranch smiled. "Of course. Thank you for checking on me," she purred.

            "No problem," Mossheart replied.

            He padded out of the den. The snow had stopped now, and the sun had begun to set. Cats gathered for evening patrol, while Mossheart headed to his den. Cloudfur had been kind enough to put him on less patrols since his mate was to give birth soon.

            Closing his eyes, Mossheart fell asleep.

Mossheart awoke in the dark, hearing a noise. He peeked his head out of the den, seeing the snow fall. All the cats were asleep, and he tilted his head, wondering what the noise was.

            He turned, heading back to his nest, when he heard a noise again. He froze. It sounded like Fernbranch!

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