Chapter 16

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Mosspaw knew he had almost reached his destination. He had listened to his mother's words, and he could tell Moonpool was really only a few day's walk away.

Soon enough, he would learn what he had been searching for, he would meet the cat he had thought died long ago, and he would know everything about his past. In only a few more days, his life would be complete.

This evening, he braced himself for another night of memories. Maybe today he would learn about his father! Maybe he would learn about Cindertail and Ashclaw. The possibilities were endless.

Mosspaw only had a small and thin tree for shelter tonight. The tree was thin and weak, it's branches looking like they would easily snap in the wind. Small leaves sprouted from the branches, and Mosspaw was afraid the tree would crack and break at the touch of its trunk.

Mosspaw slowly curled up beside it, though wind still ruffled his pelt, and a small leaf drifted down and landed on his nose. It seemed that it would be a windy night.

Before he could even close his eyes, however, a crack of thunder came from above. Raindrops began to drift down, and Mosspaw realized he was in the middle of a green-leaf thunderstorm. He had never been in one before, and he slowly sat up against the tree that blowed viciously in the wind. How would he ever get to sleep?

Knowing he couldn't sleep against the tree, he made his way through the thick storm, wind and rain blowing against his pelt with each step he took. He looked around, hoping to get out of the meadow that he has spent the day in, but he saw no signs of forest life anywhere.

Mosspaw ran now, attempting to head back to the forest, though the pouring rain kept getting into his eyes, not allowing his vision to work well.

He ran quicker now, leaves blowing up beside him. It was almost as if this storm were a late new-leaf storm that had forgotten to pour on the forest.

Quicker now, he managed to find a pile of rocks that he sheltered under. He quickly crawled under one, his pelt wet with rain. He shook it off then curled up under the rock. The thunder cracked above, and wind howled loudly. But Mosspaw was safe from the storm. It was all safe now.

He closed his eyes, ignoring the howling wind and rain, and he slowly fell asleep under he small rock.

He wasn't surprised to wake up in the glittering forests of StarClan once again. This time, Skycloud sat by a nearby tree, smiling at her son. "Welcome, Mosspaw," she spoke gently.

Mosspaw smiled, padding towards his mother who seemed to glisten in the forest. Mosspaw sat down in front of her, his tail curled around his feet.

"Quite a storm going on," Mosspaw spoke.

Skycloud laughed. "Just another green-leaf storm. Nothing much that we StarClan cats can do."

"So, what will I be learning today?" he asked, his paws tingling with excitement. He hoped in his heart it would be Mossclaw or Ashclaw and Cindertail.

"Petalnose," Skycloud slowly spoke.

Mosspaw's heart sunk. He had been hoping to hear about his father, but now he would only be hearing about his aunt. Though he was disappointed for a few moments, he realized he had not learned too much of her, and he began to grow curious.

"My sister," Skycloud spoke, "was my best friend. We did everything together, and and we were incredibly close. The day she died, my heart literally broke into pieces. Now, you must learn the relationship between me and her. Perhaps it will inspire you to have the same relationship with time siblings."

I doubt it, Mosspaw thought, but he kept his mouth shut as Skycloud slowly touched her glowing nose to his.

Mosspaw sat in the SnowClan nursery this time where Petalkit and Skykit played, laughter filling the air. Cloudkit sat with a ginger she-cat whom Mosspaw did not recognize.

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