Chapter 29

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            Cloudfur had become Cloudstar shortly after Smokestar's death. So far, Thornfrost had turned out to be a loyal deputy, and Cloudstar was a great leader, even better than Smokestar, Mossheart had to admit.

            Leaf-bare was slowly fading away, the plants slowly growing again, the snow slowly melting. Mossheart was sure the last snow had fallen, and now they were only waiting for it to melt.

            Mossheart's kits were growing too, and in less than a moon, they would become apprentices. He hated seeing them grow up so fast. He remembered watching them be born in the nursery only so long ago.

            Mossheart padded across the damp ground, the snow now only in the corners of the camp. A bright sun shined up ahead, the warmth of it beating down on the camp. His three kits wrestled together, laughing.

            So far, Patchkit had enjoyed playing with Shinykit, Mousestripe's only daughter. Stormkit and Graykit's curse had been lifted, though a part of Moonstar still lived in them, making them lash out at times. It hurt Mossheart to see the two alone, no queen allowing their kits to play with them. He had to imagine how Mousestripe felt...

            Morningpelt's kits had begun to play too, and he suspected Jaykit was beginning to form a crush on Minnowkit, one of her three kits.

            As he padded towards the nursery, he watched Tinykit turn her head. "Daddy!" she exclaimed, running to him. Patchkit and Jaykit stopped playing too, running to their father. He watched as Fernbranch walked towards him, a smile on her face.

            "They were waiting for you," she purred.

            "I was on patrol, sorry," Mossheart told his kits. "Are you all having fun?"

            Tinykit nodded. "I can't wait to be an apprentice soon! I'll be one in less than a moon!" she squeaked.

            "Me too," Jaykit said. Mossheart realized how much he had grown, both his sons. Tinykit remained small though, not that Mossheart minded.

            "Is new-leaf here yet?" Patchkit whined.

            "Yes," Mossheart told his son. "We're just waiting for the rest of the snow to melt. Look, it's almost gone," he said, pointing to the melting pile of snow. The water trickled through the camp like a stream, almost, as it melted.

            "I'm so glad leaf-bare is over," Patchkit said. "It was too cold!" Shinykit came behind Patchkit, giggling.

            "You're always cold," she told him.

            "Am not!" Patchkit replied.

            Mossheart watched the two, though he looked at Shinykit with curiousity. Did she even know the powers she possessed? Had Mousestripe told her the prophecy she heard? Mossheart wasn't sure.

            He felt Fernbranch lick his cheek, and he turned, smiling. "Our kits are growing up," he told her.

            Fernbranch nodded and sighed. "I know. It seemed just yesterday they were small and helpless. They aren't warriors yet though, Mossheart. We'll know they're all grown up once they're warriors. For now, we just have to worry about their training and if they'll actually become warriors."

            Mossheart laughed. "Of course they will. They have your hunting and fighting skills, Fernbranch."

            "Yours too," she purred. "It's great seeing them play with the other kits."

            "I never got to play with other kits," Mossheart sighed.

            Fernbranch sighed as well. "Your past is not great, Mossheart, but think of how far you've come and how well your life is now. You have a loving mate and three kits. That's the best your life will get."

            Mossheart smiled. "I know. I still wonder what it would be like if I lived with my mother and father in SnowClan."

            "It'd be awkward," Fernbranch told him. "You'd have to grow up with your half-siblings, though, maybe they'd grow to you more."

            "Maybe," Mossheart admitted, glancing over to see his kits playing. "They'll be great apprentices and warriors."

            Fernbranch nodded. "Yes, they will."


            Mossheart turned, seeing Tinykit standing by him. "What is it?" he asked.

            "Can you teach us some fighting moves? Please," she begged.

            Mossheart looked at Fernbranch for approval, and she gave a slow nod, her whiskers twitching in amusement.

            "Alright. I'll show you a few," Mossheart told her.

            Tinykit jumped up and down. "Yay!" she squeaked. Mossheart followed her over to his two sons who looked at their father with excitement.

            "Alright, we'll only do a simple move," Mossheart told them. "When a cat leaps at you, you duck, okay? All your claws have to be sheathed."

            His three kits nodded, waiting for a demonstration. "Jaykit, come here," Mossheart said. Jaykit slowly made his way towards his father, staring at him.

            "Alright, it's quite easy," Mossheart said. I'm going to jump at you, Jaykit, and you duck, okay?"

            Jaykit slowly nodded. Careful not to hurt his kit, Mossheart leapt over him, and Jaykit ducked, not that Mossheart would've knocked into him anyway.

            "I did it!" Jaykit exclaimed.

            Mossheart nodded. "Go practice with your siblings."

            He watched as Jaykit, Patchkit, and even Tinykit leapt at each other. Each one of them was successful, even Tinykit who leapt over Patchkit.

            "Great job!" Mossheart exclaimed, congratulating his kits. He smiled at them, watching them practice more. How he wished they would never grow up...

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