Chapter 6

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            Mosspaw had been having a weird feeling for awhile now. And it was about Fernpaw. He didn't know why, but he couldn't get the she-cat's beautiful tortoiseshell pelt out of his mind. The way her green eyes sparkled and the way her laugh sounded like leaves falling from trees, it was beautiful.

            Mosspaw wondered about Snakekit. He had never felt like this when he was with her. Did he really not love Snakekit?

            Mosspaw shook his head.He knew he loved Snakekit and Snakekit loved him. But Snakekit was in StarClan now...

            Mosspaw awoke to another beautiful spring day, listening to the songbirds sing. He didn't know how to approach Fernpaw. How could he? What if she didn't feel the same?

            "Hey, Mosspaw!" her familiar voice rang from across the camp.

            Mosspaw turned and padded over to the she-cat. The she-cat was bigger than him, but she was almost a warrior and Mosspaw would grow.

            "Hey," Mosspaw replied quietly.

            "Hey! Waterdrop wondered if you wanted to come hunting with us," Fernpaw spoke.

            "Uh, I don't know. I'll have to ask Smokestar."

            "Better ask him quick," Fernpaw replied. "He's about to do the apprentice ceremony for Petalstream's kits."

            Mosspaw nodded, padding quickly over to the spotted tom. "Uh, Smokestar?"

            "Mosspaw? I'm afraid we can't do training at this moment. I'm about to perform a ceremony," Smokestar spoke, glancing over the cats that passed him.

            "Yes, but Fernpaw and her mentor asked if I wanted to come hunting with them," Mosspaw replied.

            "Waterdrop? My daughter? Sure. I'll catch up when I can," Smokestar replied, walking near the rock that was in the center of camp.

            "Thank you," Mosspaw replied, padding back over to Fernpaw. "When do we go?"

            He was shushed by Fernpaw. "The ceremony is about to start!"


            Cats began to gather and Mosspaw couldn't help but smile at the four kits who bounced around the camp, trying to dodge licks from their mother.

            Mosspaw turned, seeing Foxflame, the kits' father, stand, proud of his four kits.

            Smokestar turned the kits and motioned them up onto the rock. Swiftkit ran up first, Larkkit following her brother. Reedkit hesitated a little, but followed. It was Littlekit who stood, frozen in fear. She turned and looked back at her mother who nodded her forward. With much courage, the little runt bursted up the rock and stood alongside her siblings.

            "Swiftkit, Reedkit, Larkkit, and Littlekit have reached six moons, which means they are ready to become apprentices," Smokestar announced. "Swiftkit." The white and gray tom stood, staring at his leader. "From this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Swiftpaw. Graystorm."

            The dark gray tom with his leaf-green eyes walked forward, dipping his head.

            "Graystorm, you are strong and noble. Please teach everything you know onto Swiftpaw."

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