Chapter 24

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            Mossheart's eyes widened. "You are?!"
            Fernbranch gave a nod, still looking at her paws, not wanting to make eye contact with him whatsoever.
            "That's great!" Mossheart said, licking her cheek. He noticed her belly was a bit bigger than it usually was.
            "I wanted to tell you earlier, but we kept getting interrupted. You're one of the last to know," Fernbranch sighed. "I guess the others kept it a secret."
            Mossheart felt his heart drop, a little disappointed he was one of the last to know. It didn't matter though because he loved her, and now, he would be a father.
            Mossheart felt himself stiffen. Him as a father? How could that even happen?! How would he be prepared for this?! He and Fernbranch were fairly young warriors, him especially. He wasn't even fifteen moons, and now he would be raising kits.
            He smiled at Fernbranch though, happy for both of them. "So, you were talking to Wavestorm today about this?"
            Fernbranch nodded. "She's saving a spot for me in the nursery."
            Mossheart nodded. He had forgotten that the queens would move to the nursery when expecting.
            "Does Smokestar know yet?" he asked.
            Fernbranch shook her head. "I plan to tell him today. So far I've told the queens, some of my friends, and you, of course. Soon our kits will be running around the nursery."
            Mossheart nodded. "Indeed. Do you want me to come with you to talk to Smokestar?"
            Fernbranch nodded. "Sure, I'd enjoy that. Come on," she said, walking with Mossheart to Smokestar's den. It felt odd, now that Fernbranch would be having kits. Would they still act the same? Probably not.
            "Smokestar," Mossheart said.
            The tom had his back to the front of the den, staring at the wall. He turned, and it was then Mossheart saw the gray on his muzzle. He looked so old and tired. Mossheart wondered how many lives he had left.
            "What is it?" he asked, standing up.
            Mossheart looked to Fernbranch who gave a weak smile. "I'm expecting kits," she said.
            Smokestar's eyes lit up. "Fabulous, Fernbranch! And congratulations, Mossheart! How long until they're born?"
            "About a moon," Fernbranch said, staring at her belly.
            "I'll announce to the clan. We always love hearing the news of more kits," Smokestar said.
            Mossheart nodded, though he was a bit worried. He had heard Ginger tell stories of the kits born in leaf-bare. He heard some died from greencough, and he shivered.
            "Cold?" Fernbranch asked.
            Mossheart shook his head. "No, I'm fine," he told her.
            Smokestar stood on the rock, cats already staring at him, curious to see what his announcement might be. With a yowl, the clan focused their eyes on him, ready to hear his message.
            "I bring a short, yet joyous, announcement," Smokestar told them. "Fernbranch is expecting kits!"
            A bit of cheer came from the cats, and with those words, he leapt down, and the other cats moved away. It was like no announcement had ever happened at all. Cats flooded by, wishing congratulations to Fernbranch and Mossheart.
            Mossheart felt a tail on his shoulder, and he turned, seeing Reedtail and Mousetripe. "Congratulations," Reedtail said.
            "Thank you," Mossheart said. He turned to Fernbranch and smiled. His life had changed in an instant.

It had been half a moon since Fernbranch's announcement. Her stomach had grown, and Mossheart knew she would be staying in the nursery constantly soon. It would only be so long until the kits were born.
            Mossheart had been asking Smokestar for some advice, though he doubted it was very good advice, considering Smokestar had left Wavestorm once again and was with Lilywhisker. It was a never-ending drama.
            Smokestar had admitted the mistakes he had made as a father though. He spoke to Mossheart, telling him to spend time with the kits in order for them to grow to him. Mossheart had been attentive, listening to Smokestar's advice. He prayed to StarClan he would be a good father.
            Mossheart padded to the nursery each day now, visiting Fernbranch. She had been on less patrols, only hunting every few sunrises. Today she was spending her afternoon in the nursery, chatting with the other queens.
            Mossheart padded in, hearing the joyous screeches of kits playing, their mothers scolding them to calm down.
            "Hey," Mossheart said, padding over to Fernbranch.
            She smiled at him. "Hi. What's up?"
            "Just checking on you," Mossheart said, sitting down beside her. He watched as one kit knocked down its sibling, laughing.
            "Please tell me you're just having one kit," Mossheart begged.
            Fernbranch laughed. "You better hope I don't have five."
            "Five?!" Mossheart exclaimed.
            Fernbranch nodded, pointing to Sunflash. She was mates with Wavestorm's son, Crowslash, and she had just given birth to five kits. The tiny kits lay by their mother's side, asleep. Mossheart wondered how she would ever be able to control five kits.
            "You alright?" Fernbranch asked.
            "What if I'm not a good father?" Mossheart asked her.
            Fernbranch rolled her eyes. "I know you, Mossheart, and you'll be a great father."
            "I never knew my father though," Mossheart admitted. "What am I supposed to do?"
            Fernbranch thought for a moment. "Just love and care for the kits. You grew up with your mother, and you knew she loved you, right?"
            Mossheart nodded. "Yes, very much."
            "Then shed that love onto the kits, Mossheart. You'll be a great father, I know it."
            Mossheart smiled. "Thanks. You'll be a great mother," he said, licking her cheek.
            Fernbranch turned to Mossheart now in a hushed whisper. "Don't tell anyone, but I think Mousestripe might be pregnant."
            "How would you know?" Mossheart asked.
            "She's been a bit more plump than usual, though I'm sure I'm the only cat who has noticed."
            "Well, Reedtail will be pleased if she is," Mossheart admitted. "By the way, do you know how many lives Smokestar has left? He seems to be getting older each day."
            "One or two, I think," Fernbranch told him. "Cloudfur will be leader soon. We'll have to see who he chooses as deputy. There are so many choices."
            Mossheart nodded. "I know." He wondered if Cloudfur would choose him, though he had to laugh at this though. He doubted any cat wanted a leader who had spent more life outside of SnowClan than in SnowClan.
            Saying good-bye to Fernbranch, he headed out of the nursery, leaving her to rest. He then padded to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a small squirrel. He assumed leaf-bare would take place any day now.
            As he ate, he noticed Mousestripe walk by, and he did realize she was a little bigger than usual, nothing too obvious though. Once leaf-bare came along though and cats were as thin as a stick, he assumed it would be obvious.
            He gazed at the sunlit sky. There were no clouds, and it was a perfect day. It was cold though, colder than most days, and a light wind brushed against his pelt.
            "StarClan, please help me be a good father," he whispered.

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