Chapter 33

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            Time had passed. The warmth of green-leaf had disappeared, and the leaves had begun to fall. Leaf-fall had come upon the cats, and soon it began to rain again, and the prey was beginning to burrow away. Leaf-bare would arrive very shortly.

            Mossheart stretched, excited for the new day. He felt Fernbranch stir beside him, and she lifted her head up, smiling. Mossheart gently licked her cheek. "Do you think they'll do well?" he asked.

            Fernbranch nodded. Today would be the day their kits would pass their test to become warriors, and Mossheart hoped they did well. For five moons now he himself had been training Stormpaw, and he knew Stormpaw would also become a warrior shortly.

            "I've got to head off," Mossheart told Fernbranch. "I'll see you this afternoon for the ceremony hopefully."

            "See you then," Fernbranch said, watching as Mossheart ran off to find Stormpaw. The tom was near the fresh-kill pile eating a small mouse.

            "Hey," Mossheart said, sitting down next to him.

            Stormpaw smiled. "Hi," he replied.

            "Are you ready for the day?" Mossheart asked.

            Stormpaw nodded. "I'm just finishing up this mouse," he said. Mossheart nodded, watching the tom eat. Stormpaw had not had any more outbreaks, and his behavior had improved. For once, Mossheart didn't see the small tom who believed he was a monster, but a new cat.

            "Ready?" Mossheart asked.

            Stormpaw nodded, following him into the woods. Before Mossheart could say anything, Stormpaw spoke. "You know you can't interrupt your kits' exams today," Stormpaw said.

            Mossheart laughed. "I know. I sure wish I could watch them though."

            "They'll do fine," Stormpaw told him. "They're good apprentices, and they'll be even greater warriors."

            "Thanks," Mossheart smiled. "I can't believe they're almost warriors. It was only so long ago they were tiny kits."

            Stormpaw gave him a gentle smile. "Time flies fast."

            Mossheart nodded, glancing around the woods. "So, I guess we should practice some fighting moves today."

            Stormpaw nodded. "That would be good. What will we learn?" he asked.

            Mossheart thought for a moment. "You've mastered ducking, of course, and dodging. You've learned to swipe, leap. Maybe we should practice clawing of the belly."

            "All right," Stormpaw said.

            "Keep your paws sheathed," Mossheart instructed him. "I don't want to be sent to Spottedmask."

            "I will do so," Stormpaw replied, laughing.

            "All right, so if your paws are free when a cat knocks you down, you may be able to claw their belly to get free. If not, we've already practiced pushing off. I'll try you first. Be aware that I'm going to go easy on you the first time so you get a feel to it," Mossheart said.

            Stormpaw nodded. "Okay."

            Mossheart leapt at the tom, holding him down lightly so his paws were free. He felt Stormpaw paw at his stomach, and Mossheart leapt off. "Good," Mossheart said. "I'm going to try harder this time, all right?"

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